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Reviews for "JapanEaseLesson1"

Japanese lesson

I liked it a lot when i first clicked it. but since i'm learning Japanese my self too i found a few mistakes or things that could've been better. At first the main menu says 'Grammer' which should be 'grammar'.
When 'your' character is intruduced you call yourself Celeb-kun. But in Japanese you can't call yourself -kun. only your friends are named by -kun.
At the part of counting the number 4 is shown as 'shi'. Nothing wrong with it, but 'yon' i much more used. And in the example sentences the partical 'no' is used, which isn't explained at all.
But overall it's a great idea, worked out with humor, the graphics are good and i'm waiting for a Japanease lesson 2!!

Hm.. ok but not great..

Let's go with + and -

+ You worked hard
+ The interactivity is nice
+ The sound is not agressing either
+ The actual Japanese pronunciation is excellent (You don't sound like a foreigner with a bad accent)

- Your Yamada-sensei looks more Chinese than anything
- It is very basic Japanese as in you don't explore a lot
- You are trying to teach different things at once which don't make sense until you study further

Being that I have been speaking Japanese for over 6 years and that I live in Japan, of course my view is biased a little. I have learned nothing new in this but some people will, although very simple.

While I understand that you teach the Keigo form (polite Japanese with the form "desu"), it is however not very common in reglar conversations and although people will understand you, you however will not understand the reply.

But hey! It works to impress your friends a little! ^^

And I admit that you have worked really hard on the presentation!

flagging ??

lol i know more actionscript now more than you do... lololol gotoAndstops??

i already know simple gravity and physiscs lol!!!!

Great Effort.

Yeah you are right that you are not supposed to have "-kun or -san" with a name is you are refering to yourself. You only use it when speaking about other people. In my opinion, even using "watakushi" in the introduction was too polite. It felt a little strange to me.

Other then that, if the art was improved, and perhaps if you added how to read and write it, would be a great place to build a foundation to start from.

You could make flashes based on topics and focus on those. Like one could be introductions, or everyday phrases, instead of placing random words and grammer strcuture together.

I would like to see more.

Nice Idea

One thing that's been grilled into ME is that romaji is evil and hiragana should be the first thing you learn. Get Skype if you want to talk to someone from Japan.