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Reviews for "Terri Irwin's REVENGE"


This game sucks...thats all i had to say....dispite the fact that you only made it in about 3 days it still sucked....gave it a 10 in for humor cause it was funny how pathetic it was...yes i am an ass.

altr responds:

Good thing you went into an insane amount of detail as to why it sucks. Don't know what I'd do without ya.


funny shit. pretty quick responce considering he just died the other day. props.

Steve Irwin pwned.

Damn, good 'fer nothing stingrays. I would've enjoyed hunting stingrays myself, but I guess playing this is good enough for now.

Good job making this in such a small amount of time; it's pretty fun. The Stingray King was awesome. So were the Crocbombs. >=)

Keep up the good work d00d.

Little more shutting the fuck up please.

Okay, you all have your rights to your own opinions, but it's a bit much to wish death on someone just because you don't like what they do. I've seen reviews on here complaining about the insensitivity, I've seen posts regarding the brutality of animal voilence, and I've even seen some posts that support the author for his ability to pump a decent game out in a couple day's time.

So let's touch on these topics for a second, shall we?

Insensitivity- even if this were a real issue (it's not), look at where you are. You're on Newgrounds, which happens to be one of the most desensitized places on earth. No, that's not a bad thing, because sometimes it allows for a bit of comedy. I'm not saying this flash isn't insensitive, but it certainly isn't offensive on some massive scale.

Violence towards animals- Just shut the fuck up. You must be new to newgrounds if you're whining about any kind of violence. There are hundreds of games out there where you fuck with animals, so if you want to bitch, go bitch about a game that's worse than this one.

Congradulations to the author- Okay, so I'll admit, the game is a bit boring, and the sounds are a bit lacking, but you have to give him credit because he did this game rather well for the time it took him. He's not a flash god, but he can do a lot better than about 90% of you out there. Until you can do better, shut up.

Anyway, I got that off my back...


This game is great. It's nothing but Terri taking her revenge on sting rays. It really has nothing at all to do with Steve Irwin. It's funny, smart, really well done for such short notice and a great and harmless idea. It's not like it's making fun of Irwin's death, unlike the countless number of games that do, including those in which you fly a plane into the twin towers. This game is great.