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Reviews for "Squaresville"


wowwwwwww goodness gracious me that was something else.

Style, my friend

I always love these artistic flashes. It helps make a day that is otherwise dull revive with insane ideas. This is a piece of art, although a wierd one.

I don't know how to describe it, other than awesome.

Ok, let's go through the grading.

9 for graphics is a very high nine man. my only complaint is the 3d bookshelves against the floor. It's hard to do those things, I would have just left them out. Otherwise great.

10 for style, because it was spectacular. I loved the part with the black squares with many eyes. So damn awesome.

9 for sound. It was fun, and added to the atmosphere. Fitting, but I got kinda disturbed by it.

5 for violence, but who cares, you didn't aim for violence anywas.

Interactivity, blah blah. I hate this grade, it's mostly for games.

And lastly, humor. The funniest part was that singing square with the little square trying to play guitar. So damn hilarious.

Overall, awesome. I would say keep em coming, but after seeing that, I'd suggest you take a well deserved rest.


ZekeySpaceyLizard responds:

thanks, and I shall


This is a great flash in that it really made you feel the straight-foward, non-sensical, non-sequiter feelings of all the citizens fo Squaresville. It was rather hilarious and many times it was very cartoony.

Well animated, good graphics, great and original style (WE never get original style anymore so good job), perfect synced sound and the humor was great.

Good, sir I give you a 10/10.

And thats from TheBeagle.


I hope to see more from you.

ZekeySpaceyLizard responds:



that was insane :D yet i liked it lol

I like it.

very different and well put together. lmao at the weird black box with all the eyes