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Reviews for "Nodes"

Original Concept, ideas enclosed

The game seemed fairly original, and well made.
I can picture this being a profesional DS game with expantions.

Reading over other peoples ideas, I see some good ones.

Overall, Id like more varience in the game.
Varience is the key to a good game, imo.

So, purhapes;

~~ Optional Nodes. (notes which are *possible* to get, but dont have to be to complete the level...these give you more points).

~~ Black holes. Probably very hard indeed to code, but having "curves" rather then lines would make some levels much harder.

~~ Different sized nodes. Some have large areas to get though, some small.

~~ Nodes or regions you *musnt* pass over.

~~ Activatable things. Once a node is activated, it moves or changes something else (eg, another node).

~~ Two or more seperate sets of lazers to position and link.
(coloured coded, some have to go over some nodes, some over others).

~~ Special lazer that *cant cross itself*

~~ Secrets. Purhapes some levels have a "neat" solution that makes a paturn or picture with the lazers. These could give bonus points for rewards.

Overall, every 10 levels or so should introduce something new, feel different. Maybe a slight backdrop or colour change too.
Keep people playing :)

Look forward to version2 :)

very cool

i love puzzle games

nice and creative

if you are truly reading this take this in mind for your second game.
you can add mirrors or different laser colors that will activate the same color nodes ( example. blue laser will activate blue nod but it will not activate red nod )

still good game!


I booted up this game to find it boring.I found it to be moderately challenging, and well made. Music unexciting, but was very impressed.Definitely very good all round.Did notice, tho, that sometimes I had to have the laser going directly through the centre of the circle, not just touching it.Is this meant to happen? Good work, can't wait for the sequel.

not bad

Fairly easy imo, I was expecting the later levels to be a bit harder, but they were fun nontheless.

I have a few complaints I'd like to list,
1: sounds were attrocius,ty god for the mute button, but make it turn off all sounds, not just the music :)
Second, in the first 3 Lvl's you made mention of the staionary lasers but all but one of the levels made use of it. I hate to see a potentialy good game mechanic go to waste =/
3: There were a few contact issues plz fix.