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Reviews for "Flash Hero"


haha thats how i always played metal freaks XD ow well its cewl someone actually has put it as an tip for his game well im gonna play it now put you get a 10 anyways cuz this game HAS to be good

Freakin Sweet

I haven't seen anyone have their keyboard used like that. Great choice of music, and people already told you that the graphics aren't that great, but I'd rather have my game playable than laggy, especially in a game like this. Good Job.

Great flash version.

I unlocked all the songs. Since i don't own a PS2 or a 360, this is just swell. My sister even loves it. But you should defiantly make a sequel and here's some ideas for improvements:
- Better Graphics
- Individual Song Leaderboards(it's much easier to make it with some songs)
- Songs other than the Audio Portal, but don't abandon it.
- 6 is kinda overkill for Hard, maybe an Expert mode.
- This is kinda pushy but if you spend alot of time on it, More Songs!
But overall great game.

Almost awesome.

Sweet game man. It was good, but not awesome, you know? There were some things holding it back, but most are minor and can be fixed in the few days you have left.

Like everyone's said, you have to upgrade the graphics, man. Heck, use the built-in Flash components if you have to. If you can find a Photoshopper, make him/her get you some grunge-based graphics.
Graphics would be easy to replace because, well... all you have to do is replace.

The second thing that could be fixed in a short period of time is the loading song screen. I never know when the song is going to start, so I'm sitting here, staring at the screen. Either a percentage thing or a load bar would be nice. Or a "ROCK ON DUDE" to say "GET OFF FACEBOOK AND PLAY FLASH HERO NOW".

These aren't so easily fixed. Perhaps in a sequel? =)

Six buttons is overkill man. Six would be hard enough on the GH controller, and that has a small fretboard. It has a small fretboard because Harmonix knows that some people have small hands. Not everyone has the hand length to move to the 6 key and back across without seriously injuring their wrist.

On a side note, a liability disclaimer might do you some good.

Anyways. I think 5 keys would be good. And maybe moving it to ~ through 4? I don't know if ~/` has a key code... I think it does. o.O I dunno. Maybe enable trapallkeys? Ah. Wait. If you used trapallkeys, then couldn't you use the function keys as frets? That would be lots better.

There's something else I wanted to gripe about. But I can't remember.

Love the game man. The song list is freaking huge! "MORE SONGS?!"

OUTSTANDING GAME, didn't take long 2 learn!

Really enjoyed playing this....it obviously took a lot of thought 2 create -n- work 2 set up. I enjoyed the fact that I could repeat sections I had trouble with until I figured out what I was doing wrong (my fingers didn't always go where I wanted them 2).

Can't wait 2 C the next from SeMiKiLlEr 2boo!@!