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Reviews for "Amorphous+"

As awesome as it is addicting

I usually wait until I'm entirely done with a game to comment on it, but seeing as how youre still replying to some of the comments (a trait in an author that I'm always glad to see) I'll post my thoughts now on the off chance I get a response.

I really couldn't see how this style of game (i.e. simple enemy slashing fun) could have been executed much better. All of the Glooples are interesting in their own, unique way and they are always exciting to discover. And the achievements are really incredible. I consider myself an exceptionally achievement-driven person, so I was particularly drawn in by this feature. So many of the descriptions are very funny, and often appropriately humiliating. I might have been proud of my first three hit combo but your comments put me back in my place. Some of the achievements are downright awesome, like the absentee one which i found i had won after pausing to go to mcdonald's. The different styles of play are also a nice touch...even though they're nearly identical they are able to add enough variety to keep me going (currently I'm up to the Addiction time award if that's any indication of how entertained I am). I also really love the reward system...they're all a mystery and I really want to find out as many as I can! The last one is particularly attractive, clearly, although I've yet to unlock it. I've gotten *spoiler* sprint (#1), saw drone (#6), repulsor (#8), and teleporter (#10) at this point and I usually take the repulsor as it's good in a number of different situations (particularly when mobbed by inkies). (to anyone else reading this review, maybe post your favorite rewards you've unlocked?)

Now, although I clearly love this game there are a few points where I could see it improved. I personally find the nests a tad difficult; i took the small one out after a few shots but the big + huge have given me a lot of difficulty...i feel like maybe big should be a little more doable for the "medium" level? Just one man's opinion really, though. I also have two game play suggestions that I couldn't help keep thinking about while playing, but I apologize if they're already been mentioned by others. In order to keep up the whole theme of simplicity, would it make sense to map the power up key to the right click button? this could be a nice addition that would keep game play exclusive to one hand which could be sort of fun. also, i know that a lot of people have been crying for extra attacks and one that i feel could fit in here is a charge attack. if i could hold my mouse button down for a couple of seconds after a swing to unleash a 360 degree swing, that could add a nice element of strategy to the game. of course, the awards would probably have to be altered a little but it could be nice in any case. speaking of things that other people want...i think the idea of changing movement to wasd keys is a poor idea and i support your decision of mouse movement.

On the whole: really really nice work. I enjoyed this game a lot and hope it makes front page. I look forward to more!

innocuousGames responds:

I feel like it's only fair that I show a little gratitude to the people who take the time to share their opinions with me about my work, and it gives me a chance to talk, which if you've played the game it should be pretty clear that I love to do. :)

I really think that (other than pause and save, of course) the thing that the old game really needed was a sense of accomplishment or progress. Since the game follows a very loose structure, I couldn't really introduce stages (I mean... I guess I could have, but it would have fundamentally changed the way the game played... to me at least, part of it's charm is it's sheer unpredictability). So, my next thought was to do an achievement system. And then, to give THOSE more purpose, I decided to add the Rewards on top of that ( some sort of set of Power Ups or Equipment was easily the third most requested addition for the old game). I really agree that it adds something vital the old game needed. And man were they fun to make.

The Award descriptions did sort of absorb some of my natural snarky-ness. Glad you think it works!

The larger nests are a bit difficult, no doubt (Huge is completely rediculous, I am not ashamed to admit) but the addition of Rewards I think makes them a bit more reasonable. A lot of people complain about the time it takes, and there's no doubt they can take a while, but that just makes victory that much sweeter. As you say, that's really just my opinion, but I do like a challenge.

Mapping the reward key to the right button is actually a damn good idea. I have to admit I'm not exactly sure how to do that in flash without it popping up a menu, but I've no doubt it can be done and it's something I should learn for future projects.

Also your charge-attack idea I think is quite good. I like it.

As far as movement goes, as I've said it's not that I don't see the value in WASD movement, but to me that's mostly just that it frees up the mouse cursor to do other things. Like aim, in games where that applies. I'm sure for people who aren't used to the mouse movement control, it can seem a bit strange for a while (or if, say, you're forced to play on a freaking TOUCHPAD... bleh). But in the longrun I'd never change it for this game. I agree with you agreeing with me. :P

Anyway, Thanks for your review (I love the long ones) and I hope you waste many hours enjoying my strange little blob killing game!

Two little details (but only one complaint)

First of all, I both love and hate this game. While it's a great little slash & kill game with enough depth to be really fun, it's also probably going to get me fired (been playing at work for two hours now.)

There are two little glitches that I've noticed. The only one I have a problem with is that when you splat a meltie it will occasionally splat towards you, leaving you standing in a pool of acid mid swing. This has happened to me several times, and man, is it annoying (I was 4 freaking blobs away from clearing the Big Nest!!!)

The other bug I've noticed is that right when you get bumped by one of the green guys you're immune to biters, horrors (or the four spinny discs, anyway), and fuzzles for a split second. They just pass right through you. But, seriously, feel free to leave that one in.

innocuousGames responds:

Hopefully you're still employed when you read this... if not... um... sorry!

The fact that you can potentially splash yourself with acid when splatting a Meltie is actually not a glitch... it's a Hazard. When splatting a Meltie try and make sure you're turned in such a way that the splat isn't going to splash in your direction. More play will get you used to doing this (although admittedly even *I* still do this on occasion).

The second is in fact a known issue that has not been corrected. This has to do with multiple-contact protection... and in all honesty is probably never going to be fixed. So enjoy it when it happens!

Thanks for the review, and Happy Splatting!

i luv dis game but on all computer games if i set quality to low it gets selowr

:D everything good lol imagine if these things got into the real world (that would not end well)

this is my first flash game I ever play