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Reviews for "Don't Look Back"

Wow. Just. Wow. I'm not even quite sure what I just played, but it was kind of disturbing. And extremely fast paced. Almost even impossible. Liked it because it was not something that was straight forward and was easy to understand, and I love reading into and trying to create an explanation for things that confuse me. But that's about it. I've never played such a frustrating game in my left, other than Give Up and it wasn't even that bad..

I got stuck. i kept drowning in milk. it sucked. Otherwise, good game. :P

This game is definitely a gem and going straight to my favorites.
I love the Atari / Coleco Vision style graphics and sound effects.
In fact, this game is a lot like a mix of Pitfall and Montezuma's Revenge. Simply amazing.
I know this was submitted in '09, but I really hope you make a sequel to this, or something like it STAT.
Because I would definitely play the hell out of it.
Keep up the brilliant work!

This game was brilliant. It had a plot line that I couldn't have loved more. Is it perhaps a game following the devils one must face after losing a loved one until they can find peace or is this game a rendition of Orpheus's descent into Hades?

The one in which after this death of his wife, he plays the music to soften the hearts of Persephone and Hades and they allow him to bring his wife back to the upper world, on one condition. He was to walk in front of her, and never to lock back until they reached the upper world.

Either way the plot is still beyond words, and I really enjoyed it. Onto things like music and graphics i felt they fit well into the theme of things. They both set the mood, and it goes to show that one doesn't need extremely detailed graphics or a complex soundtrack to impress an audience.
The only thing that almost got me to dock a point off was my petty frustration in playing the game. I think I played some parts five times over. Overall, great work.

This game is so annoying the enemies where to fast