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Reviews for "Fear Unlimited Issue2"

overall good game

i have played the game and i think its is pritty good the one thing from your 10th star was that i coundnt find the (pause button) i would of givine you a perficent score but its the "(pause button)" sorry for the score though.

I finished the game. Please Fix Bugs

Bugs I did find:
1. When you kill a Boss sometimes the games freeze! And that Really sucks because if you accomplish a medal and game freeze all is lost!!!

2. Sometimes when you start stage 5 you get attacked by something invisible and you get stuck in the wall and game goes into an infinite Loop.

3.I think the Medal system is sometimes bugged... and it keeps giving me same accomplishment medal when i select a stage.

Game Is fun But
Some bossed are too hard to kill like the lizard Boss When I killed him first time my hand and arm were in pain give that boss less HP not because is hard for some people,but Because is really BORING trying to beat that Boss because you have to follow the same pattern a lot and it gets repetitive and boring and takes a long time to kill him and worse iS!! after I kill Him game Freeze too T_T!!!
and shooting him and wait for him to get near you and attack him when she charge his attack do not hurt him a lot.

And yes when I beat the Last boss on impossible Mode I Got same Ammount of money.......... you should Give a lot more ! COME ON ITS IMPOSSIBLE MODE I DESERVE BETTER REWARD! =O


It's like DMC... except pretty much ripped off and with a story I don't feel like hearing about.
Where to start... I only really played the first level so maybe it suddenly gets better in the next whatever many levels but it was too painful to really keep going. All the fighting was pretty much knocking enemies into the air and hitting D over and over and over and OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. trying anything else would involve getting hit because of your ridiculous slowness and huge pauses in between ground attacks... and enemies on the ground randomly ignore you hitting straight through them and hit you anyway... taking off a full fucking THIRD of your health and don't get me started on the retarded exploding enemies that grab you in the middle of whatever the fuck you're doing and explode, often doing at least half. I died a few times because of stupid fatigue on hitting the motherfucking D KEY FIVE FUCKING MILLION TIMES, and got to upgrade stuff... woopty fucking doo, upgrades dont change appearances or unlock moves or anything, I can't tell if they do more damage because enemies still take five hundred strikes to the face to die. I pretty much quit after hitting the stupid enemies that ignore ANY attack you land on them and now I'm going to play something better... like the ACTUAL DMC.
Oh, and when I tried to load the guy fell straight through the floor... yaay


Nice game of what is quite obviously a spin of Devil May Cry. The combo system is pretty nice, game play was cool. The mortal level was a bit tough to be Easy (it was supposed to be right, lol). Overall nice game. I will NOT give a game a low rating because I can't beat it. I'll probably come back to this when I have more time. Those of you give this submission a 0 need to check your self-esteem. GIve an honest rating it doesn't have to be all or nothing, that's why there are 11 levels of rating. (including 0 for those of you who wish to challenge that, think b4 u speak.) Again nice game, but with 5 levels of difficulty, plz try to dumb down ATLEAST the first level a bit to help get into the swing of the game thx. look forward to future submissions and a review review! ;)

a good sequel

the game plays nicely and it contributes well to the series however A.I can sometimes be really cheap such as getting quick hits on you but other than that i don't see any problem with it 7/10