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Reviews for "Spewer"

Most excellent.

This was an absoutely brilliant puzzle game in every way possible. The puking offered an interesting system which I haven't experienced before. At times certain levels could prove to be frustrating, but the game was fun enough to keep you playing, anticipating the next level. Were it not for some bugs this game would have been as close to perfect as they come.

I felt that you needed to make it more clear that the acid would kill you when it was first introduced. Since it was introduced at around the same time as a new type of puke, I was under the assumption that this was another new type which I could also consume.

The sensitivity of the spikes is something which needs to be fixed. There were a very large number of occasions where I was stood next to them (where if I continues walking I would walk directly on the spikes), clearly not in contact with them, but ended up dying. They also seemed to be undersensitive if approached when in line with the entire spike block itself. On a couple of occasions I hit them side on and expected die but didn't.

Button sensitivity was another issue. On a number of occasions I hit them/stood on them and nothing happened at all, which meant I had to move away from the switch and try again. There was also a number of times where there was a time-delay, with me having to be stood on the switch for a few seconds before the game actually realised I was there.

On the level where activating a button released acid, it was oozing out of the blocks. Attempts at re-creating this in the level editor lead me to believe that the game can't handle the liquids being behind blocks (surely it shouldn't be possible for them to be there anyway). It was also possible for liquid to pass through the blocks, presumably with it seeping through the cracks. This was something I didn't particularly like as it meant that certain aspects of the game could be made easier by exploiting this.

I sometimes found myself falling directly through the black puke. Something which didn't fit at all with its solid characteristic. On a couple of occasions the character went out of control, randomly jumping about despite the fact that the button was not depressed.

There was no way to exit the level editor other than pausing the game and returning to the menu. A button to go back should have been included on the page somewhere when designing the level. There was also, as far as I could tell, no way of being able to return to the menu from the level select screen, something which I wanted to do once I'd completed the bonus levels. This meant that I had to start a level, pause it and then return to the menu from there.

On the levels where you needed to have all, or most, of the puke in order to do something, it was frustrating having to wait ages for it flow off of the spikes and towards you. Perhaps the puke could be made to flow more easily. There was a little bit of puke in the puke bar which could never be used, so it seemed pointless having it stored.

The game became extremely laggy after playing for a while, which made the frustrating aspects of the game even more so due to the time delay. You may have warned about this beforehand, but lag is something I've never experienced before on this machine and I feel that I've played many games which are more high-end than this both off and online.

The levels at the end of the chapters were pointless. Maybe you could add some sort of fun aspect to these if you want them included. I was disappointed by the fact that only a small number of levels had you using more than one kind of puke. Maybe the character could also take on more dramatic changes in appearance for each different type of puke.

It would be nice if there was some sort of achievement for completing each level with/within a certain amount of puke remaining/jumps made/steps taken/time. Aiming to achieve this on each level would add replay factor.

The inclusion of a level editor was nice and it created a reason to replay the game after completing it. However, I couldn't work out how to use other people's level codes.


Were you TRYING to be a dick with the level "Tread Lightly? this level is haunting my sleep. 3 days now.

Very fun and addicting in a "Jesus Christ, I hate this game yet I can't stop playing" kind of way.


this is owesome, what about gish 2 thou?

Really nice.

I just finished the game and I love the ending. =)

Looks good...

I can't get past the freakin' Polywog level, man. The ceiling's too low, I can't figure it out. Still, seems like a nice game...