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Reviews for "BO: The Secret of Steel"


This game is one of the best I've played on NG. The controls are really basic, (which is a plus for a lazy person like me), but not too basic that it gets boring and the bosses are extremely easy once you find out the pattern to kill them. I also like that you can replay levels that you've beaten already. Great Job! =]

Fucking Epic

HeChaoz you just suck at games i killed them all with a go or 2.
Favorite parts, the music is good and the goddamn part were pleasent shire gets owned was great the ravens are a wicked part of it to how the follow the charecter around.

Well, let's review.

Not a 10 as perfect but a 10 as better than lots of stuff with 9+.
The game is quite entertaining and the simple controls set is in my opinion a pro.
The ability to calibrate the exact amount of pressing or tapping is up to the player, if someone can't achieve that it means he just needs more practice.
I'm sure most of the possible enhancements have already been forwarded to you but I still wish to bring a brief list to your attention.
-Different weapons: this would undoubtly satisfy all those RPG lovers (such as myself) crawling and prowling all around here. This also leads to the next point:
-Moar enemies: who would deny the fashion of slashing through lots of different foes? Apart from the lovely mini-bosses, there were six kinds of opponents, most of which could be dealt with in the same way. After you get the grasp of'em, strategy gets pretty useless. I understand animating and drawing effects for many characters could be way longer than doing so for just a few but I believe the result would pay.
-Moar destructibles: the same as the previous. I will avoid adding other points starting with "moar" as I'm sure you know that "the more, the better".
-Progressively increasing difficulty: as it is atm, the in game difficulty doesn't grow gradually. My opinion is that the second boss is the hardest after the "Duke of Hell". Also, the freaky Hedgehog is probably the easiest on par with the axe bearing princess and the Dam yeti guy.
Also, the spawning mobs aren't getting harder through the game. Just more resilient and longer to bring down. Also the variety seems to be lowering as time passes. Maybe more archers or spearmen in the later stages of the game would do the trick.
-Better developement of the storyline: another plus for the RPG addicts which could bring this "Hack & Slash" to a different level.

To all the people stuck here or there: every boss is indeed beatable, even in some are quite hard even once you grasp the mechanics underneath.
Here's a small SPOILER:

Dam guy: jump on his weapon and jump attack him from there. If you can't figure out how, you are not cut up for this kind of games.
Tentacle raper blob: slash, slash and keep slashing. Eventually you'll get in front of the main dish and taste it. Three times and you're done. Beware, it's not easy.
Granny Sunny: incredibly easy or hard, depending on your timing. Whack her as soon as she charges onto you, wipe out her minions, jump around evading the molotov cocktails and repeat. Piece of cake.
Axe princess thing: jump behind her when she lifts her freaking axe. Slash up until she is a mere skeleton.
Yourself (lol): jump attack and inflict Fatalities. There is nothing more, really.
Sonic's bro: the Hedgehog is quite easy. Jump while it charges, attack from behind. Eventually avoid being hit by those spear things but that's extremely easy, so don't worry.
Aasfjklfjsakl'ì'anlaffaaffajlj or whatever the name of the freaking bloody bastard Duke Nukem of the hellish Hell: more frightening than his incredibly long name is his ability to one hit you with most attacks. The minions can be crushed by just tapping on the spacebar but the real thing is on a whole different level.
The mechanics are quite simple: avoid the long range attack by stopping (or receding) when you start seeing it's shadow. Take shelter when near, to avoid the flame burst. Jump in front of the boss, charge a powa attack and win the consequent Power Contest. Indeed, easier said than done. Every wound will cost you more effort and you need to get there three times. Good luck on this one.


This was a fun game. I completed it, and boy did I have some trouble fighting all those bosses, but it was fun trying to solve how they can be defeated. I was disappointed by the ending though. By disappointing, I mean it was a good ending, but you just have to say "Awww" for the barbarian in the end ha ha.


This game is awesome because it has good fighting system and storyline. But I can`t defeat Keeper boss. I tried all, but he is still untouched...