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Reviews for "Bomb Diggity"

One play and I was done.

Wasn't amazing, wasn't horrible. Just, sorta fun...

Great start

This is a great game. Stuff everyone who gave it bad scores, they don't know a quality game when they see one. ***NOTE* Jumping around takes a little skill and a little touch, but when you got it right and play the level a few times you find that you can jump from air conditioners to signs and ladders and whatever. The controls are a little like N+ you doughnuts***

There's no high score tracker or story or award for playing, which is a problem because once you hit around 20000 points and have diffused 100 bombs, there's really not much else to do. Also, a powerup indicator (like the bomb timer indicator) would have been helpful and it was unfair to have bombs start at different times. Except for a few cases, I could handle the random 10 second bomb that pops up while I have 4 or more to diffuse, but I think more strategy would be involved if they all started at the same time.

There are some gliches in this game as well: Some things linger on the screen once they've been used (Clocks, victims), I've had the bomb timer be wrong and explode bombs with time left on the clock, when using the down down move I get stuck on the ground if I immediately press space after impact, some monsters immediately reappear in the spot where they died if I laser them.

I had a lot of fun playing this. Keep up the good work!

Bomb blasts galore! Ringing ears... What? :)

Nicely done urbanic 'n MarkAguilar20! Cute, mini-skirted gal solving alien bombs was sweet, although a wee bit hard. To explain, some platforms (the small 'uns) were near impossible to access. Also, bomb timings and placement made it simply impossible to stop the "blam-boom." Still, good job. Probably give a few more award points to Mark, but the platform, alien attack, bomb timing/placement programming were exceptional. 4/4 8/8. Look forward to seeing more!

Not bad

NO real air controll when jumping and too much sliding whem l;anding but other than that not bad.

Its been said

I'll say it again, to much sliding, i got very bored very quickly