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Reviews for "Cube Colossus"


This has to be one of the more challenging Flash game I have played. Great style and balance and a good amount of choice. the levels can be a bit hard but other than that it was fine. on a side note i beat the last level with the first gun as well as the 19th , but i cant get the last achievement next to the Gatling one.

Completed, 100%, all achievements, all weapons.

Now that I've beaten it properly, trying out literally every weapon, here's my review.

Controls: I had NO trouble adapting to the reverse controls. In the beginning, it was odd, but then I quickly understood it, and I'd actually prefer this kind of control here than the standard WASD kind.

Graphics: What you need here - Nothing more, nothing less - Perfect.

Gameplay: It was.. Franctic. Seriously, half the time I had no idea what I'm doing, I was just grasping the mouse, and firing away in a frenzy. But damn, it felt nice to beat a level! I liked it, and I still like to go back and beat Loki for fun. The difficulty curve, however, was enormous. It's like walking in a park.. Then suddenly getting chased by 47538573 trained hounds and SWAT teams, while trying to run away barefoot, on broken glass, that's on fire.

Bugs: I encountered none.

Overall summary:

- Multiple weapons for different playstyles
- Well balanced ships (Overdrive functions)

- Controls might be a bit hard to adapt to - But thats the point, so I guess its a "pro"
- Difficulty curve is -way- off

top notch

all i can say is, that was amazing. its has been a long time since a game has kept me hooked as long as Cube has. i felt quite sad when i unlocked everything. i thought there was more after loki, due to the fact that there was more spaces, kinda misleading. story line was cool. i loved the randomness of the game (i know that some dont) i just think its a good element of the game, the fact that it keeps you on your toes all of the time. i must admit it was kinda hard to get to grips with the controls, but b4 i knew it i was a pro. fantastic work, more please, with more unlockables n kick ass weapons!

Awesome game.

Really, not much to say that hasn't been said already... Beat Loki in one shot though, so that was awesome :3


one of the best games i have played yet, pretty good! and iwoenai there is a pause unless you didnt read the insturctions.