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Reviews for "Tanaka's Friendly Adv."


After reading a previous review from another user, I realized: I think the point of the game might be that it's not hard to find friends, which could explain the simplicity of the game!
But this is just MY own interpretation, so who knows. :)

Very ...

Cute :) yes i will go with that :) kinda addictive to find all friends actually :D

cute :D

a super sweet game but i think it needs a little more to it. It gets a little bit repetitive after awhile.

So adorable, but a little repetitive. I wish I had this for my iphone. It's one of those games I think would be best played a little at a time when you're waiting somewhere. ^^

I clicked on betosmiles and was impressed by how many games there are. I can't wait to try them all out!

Much like the other bentosmile games, this particular one has a deeper meaning. It's in the cutesy, repetitive music that if you listen to for a while becomes a dull drone, and it's in all these 'friends' decked out for you to see, complete with their quirky descriptions.
I think the game is saying that more often than not, having lots of friends isn't really that great. It's better to have a small, intimate circle than a large crowd of nobodies and strangers.
If you look at little Tanaka's 'friends' they're all blue-ish blobs or figures. No substance or depth, and same with the background. That can just be the style of the game, but I think it has a double meaning. Tanaka doesn't really know these 'friends.' They have cute and funny descriptions but that's it. It's all rather fake and superficial. But still people go 'awww its so cute' and they play this game for the quirky cuteness and to see all Tanaka's funny weird friends and read their short and bland descriptions. It sadly reflects what some think, that if they 'know' large groups of people they would be satisfied, because it means popularity for them.
It's like walking down a long road lined with different people. As you walk down you quickly tick off each person you pass. "He's the rich guy with a pool, she's the smart one, he's the football jock, he's the one who likes to read, she's the pretty one," etc., etc. You don't really know each person that well, just what skims the surface, but that for you is enough because you 'know' lots of people and they all 'know' you too which means, congrats, you're popular. You can invite all these nobodies to your party to satisfy your own empty ego.
Well, I think I'm overthinking. Some just want to enjoy this game for its cute simplicity and really that's great too. I just think it's important to know the (possible) underlying message.
Good game, though. Sorry for that wall of text :)