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Reviews for "Dadgame"




best game EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holy Crapollio

This is just the best thing to happen to life!

Thank you. thank you very much.


This was a GREAT game. I beat the final boss. I love it.

I cannot believe I haven't reviewed this yet.

Sakupen, really, all I can say is that you're a fucking genius.


Practically every element of this game is excellent (except for the no pausing in boss battles thing--I suppose I can see why you'd want to do that, though).

The art is charming, even if a little simple sometimes. It works perfectly.

Playing as Dad is, for the most part, fulfilling--the only problem I have is that my keyboard can't handle all the keys I'm trying to press at once sometimes. But that's not your fault, nor is it enough to lower the score.

The cutscenes are fun to watch, one of my favorites being the one just before the mall level.

The challenges are genuinely challenging. Playing through the hard target test is borderline masochistic. Once you finally beat THAT, you're immediately thrust into a boss battle. Seeing 'ERROR' there scared the hell out of me, to be honest, but that's easily forgiven.

Once you survive that boss battle, you can go on to fight one of the hardest battles I've ever played through in a flash game. The occasional cut to a scene where you get to watch Dad battle Mecha-Death (or get killed, if you aren't fast enough) was strangely fun. Normally I'd expect any possibility for an instant death to be absolutely rage-inducing, but somehow, this just made the battle even more fun...even if I haven't beaten it yet.

I could go on and on, but really, the fact that I'm giving this game a positively shining review is saying something--that I absolutely love this game and would recommend it to anybody with a computer that can handle it (which is anything better than a netbook, to be honest).

I also plan to buy the soundtrack at some point, because frankly, the music for this game is great.

5/5, 10/10. You've outdone yourself, Sakupen.