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Reviews for "Revert to Growth"


But you need to work on the puzzles. All you had to do is push the key with some plants. Not really chalanging, neither fun as the plants slowly grow... Took about 15 minutes. The idea is good and the art is nice. I did not experience lag although of the high quality.

AethosGames responds:

You have to get to the ship parts, not the keys. the keys are bonus' (made easy on purpose so that you can get the level editor with very little work) Once you get to lv 11, the puzzles start becoming pretty darn hard.

Nice game..

Graphics: 9/10
I really like the graphics, they are great! :D

Sound: 8/10
Sounds are good.

Music: 7/10
The music is fitting, but it get's a bit repetitive after a while. Thankfully there's a mute button, but the mute button also mutes the sound..

Gameplay: 9/10
The gameplay is very smooth. However, I don't find this game addicting.. I also found out a minor bug: when you grow a plant in front of a stone block and then try to push the block, against the plant I just grew, with another plant. Then the stone block first is pushed into the plant and then jumps either up or down.. also when I drop a stone block on my robot, I hear a simple thud as if the block falls on the ground, but it actually looks incredibly stupid that it has no effect on my robot and the block just simply lies on top of my robot's head.

Story: 4/10
There's not much of a story, now is there? I get that I have to fix that ship, but there really is no background info about who I am, where I came from, why I crashed on a planet? Well, I guess it doesn't really need a story to be played, but with a good story I'm more willing to get to the end of the game.

Overal: 7/10
I enjoyed playing it and it's always nice to have a level editor so I can create my own stuff. :)

AethosGames responds:

Thanks for the reveiw!

Not many puzzle games I know have a story, but I think I'll give you more info on the robot should I make a sequel.


needs a litle bit of work

AethosGames responds:

Could you tell me what to improve then?


The good stuff first, I like the art, the music is fitting and the story is cool. And now the Bad, I think it gets boring after a couple of levels. The puzzles are not that exciting, push that their, do it in that oder etc... some how it does not have the same spunk as "Time Fcuk" that made me stick with the game.

AethosGames responds:

The puzzles get boring after a couple of levels? Darn. I shouldn't have made the first couple levels easy to make sure you understand the games mechanics throughly before I introduce to to the mind-boggling ones.

Pretty game

The gameplay is smooth,nice and easy. The game has got pretty colors,the robot looks cool.
I like the ability to grow plants,weird but good
5/5 10/10