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Reviews for "Fly Squirrel Fly"

Fun, But could use improvements

Could make cheaper upgrades, achievements should give something for your flight.

Achievement list

Participation: Play for 3 minutes total
Test Drive: Play for 5 minutes total
Kinda Fun!: Play for 10 minutes total
Interesting!: Play for 30 minutes total
Addicted!: Play for 60 minutes total
????: ????
Jobless: Play a round without any stamina
Bungee Style: Hit a Brachiosaurus
Dead Meat: Hit a Rex
Hit and Run: Hit a caveman
Fast Glide: Hit a Ptera
Angry Bird: Hit a Quetzalcoatl
Unfortunate: Killed at first bounce
Secure Landing: 5 good landing in a row
Preventative fly: 10 good landing in a row
Persistened: 10 bad landing total
Determined: 25 bad landing total
Boring Life: Hit nothing in a flight
Barricade: Hit more than 5 objects in a flight
Blocked Road: Hit more than 10 objects in a flight
Stone fence: Hit more than 15 objects in a flight
Foods!: Get 1 acorn in a flight
Collector: Get 3 acorns in a flight
Beginner's luck: Fly for 1000 feet
Novice: Fly for 5000 feet
Intermediate: Fly for 10,000 feet
Advancing: Fly for 25,000 feet
Blizzardus: Hit a blizzard
Meteora: Burnt by a meteor
Show off: View awards page
Turning to the Darkside: Completely upgrade Patagium
Rocketeer: Fully upgraded rocket
Airborne Army: Fully upgraded Parachute
Mechanist: Fully upgraded launcher
Scout camp: Fully upgraded stamina
Engineer: Fully upgraded radar
Nocturnity: Spend all money to upgrade all units
Cheapmunk: Collect 10 coins in one fly
Thiefmunk: Collect 15 coins in one fly
Luckymunk: Collect 20 coins in one fly
Mountains: Reach the top of the mountains
Cloudy: Reach the clouds
Astronauts: Reach the stars
Sprinter: Reach 20 MPH
Need 4 Speed: Reach 40 MPH
Lightning tail: Reach 60 MPH

Now in my opinion it's best to upgrade the rocket first. Parachute is slightly useless, radar level 1 is just fine, stamina isn't as important, so rocket, launcher, patagium, parachute, stamina, radar in that order to fully upgraded. I didn't get all the achieves so please message me to fill in the 4 blanks

AWesome dude

ur good at these games dont stop
great graphics if you ever need help with art or ideas or anything ask me no prob ^-^

Yay boom!

Love the concept. Kinda similar to hedgehog launch and penguins flight game (name eludes me) but the extra stuff makes this something different. Would love to see a re-make as this version lacks a certain ummph!

Instakills (trex, comet, ice storm) came a bit too often and upgrades are EXPENSIVE! Add something else as a challenge instead of just money hoarding....

bug or...

well the way you launch the squirrel will be the way it will fall after... this is quite troublesome i lauched it a 110° and after using the rocket and more hasard it fell at 0 mph... otherwise it's a great game

Not too Shabby

I liked the dinos and the cavemans and the cannon and the squirrel and the radar and the rocket and the parashoots and the slingshot and the akorns and the Boms and the baloons and the upgrades and the muney and the other stuff