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Reviews for "Castaway"

Good, but needs tweaking.

-Graphics show real effort. Rarely have I seen a tropical island rendered this well in Flash.
-Setting is detailed and has a strong, but pleasant theme.
-Good take on the cliche J-RPG. Reminds me a lot of Super Mario RPG for the SNES.
-Overall charming feel to the game. The almost cartoony feel keeps it light hearted, which works well with the pet aspect of the gameplay.
-I noticed lag wasn't a real problem, which is a definite plus.

-Way too much Blizzard influence. WoW is a nice game and all, but of all the features to imitate the grinding quests should not be one of them. A flash game should not equate to hours of needless item farming like an MMO.
-Prices/item variety should scale better. Supplies are very difficult to procure at low levels.
-WASD controls are fairly awkward. In instance, 20 minutes of leveling were wasted because I couldn't outrun or outmaneuver one mob.
-When entering an area, the player should start at the entrance rather than deep inside the zone. Having to work all the way out of a mob riddled area seems needlessly harsh, especially at low levels and with the lack of an auto-save.
-Speaking of, developing an auto-save should be a critical focus. An auto-save feature would do away with most of these complaints. Without even a basic continue option this game is simply frustrating, which kinda defeats the purpose of a game.

I have to give props for this. It's rare to see a flash game with so much effort put into it. However, it also feels as if there wasn't enough play testing done with a wide enough variety of players before its release. With some tweaking and re-balancing, this game could become a classic. As it stands, though, the flaws are too distracting to properly enjoy the game's strong points.

Need Auto-Save

The game is great but without auto save you can't enjoy it..

Id like to report a bug

Okay, ill admit it, I died in the game. Twice, even!
The problem i ran into was A, my pet dissappeared after i died the second time... meaning it saved after i died,
Also, when going to the beaches and only seeing beetles, an invisible snake bites me two times and i die. What is going on? A bug in the gameplay perhaps?
All i know is, green dude didnt die, yet he is gone.

Perfectly fine game until this happened.
Yay for my concern to save the game in two slots instead of one.

god game

the only issues im having is that i cant save my progress?i log out,then come back an all my progress is gone??fix this please!!

Controls are a bit bulky

It obviously has the potential to be a fabulous game, but the controls are very bulky, making it slow and difficult to get around.