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Reviews for "Moovlin PC"

Just a minute

What ' s the music from the cheeseworld level ? Love it .

it's seriously just pffft

I've seen some pretty good games out there and this isn't really one of them . The concept is very nice and the plot was k but the art was just bleh, (no that I'm a master at flash or anything) to tell you the truth the bit at the beggining when the lines were thicker looked better I know you tried to make a robotic feel but it jsut wasn't working for me it just made it look lik ea bunch of shapes put together badley.

The game play was okay controls were simple and straightforward some bits were very comical addeda nice feel to it, voice actors from your list shoul dhave been very good and they were good but the blue robot guy, whats with his voice?

Music was K nice choice (expecially the menu, really funny).
Overall I'd say just work on it a bit smooth out any weird bits and improve the artwork cuz thats the one thing that wanted me to stop playing.

xtra things

i wished some extra attacks like punching and kickin and some weapons

Little big planet

thats whats this reminded me of


I'm really tired, so this review might not make sense, may sound harsh, could be completely wrong, or all of the above. But yeah.

Definitely much better than anything I could do, just putting that out there, but I'm still going to give you constructive criticism. The concept isn't too special, but it works. The graphics are... sort of mediocre, in the sense that many good effects were there (motion blurs, that one background/foreground effect), but the actual art and execution just didn't cut it for me. Again, this is still way better than I could ever do, but I can recognize mediocre art when I see it; of course the only definite suggestion I can give you is to practice it more. The sound worked, nothing amazing, but no complaints, music included (I liked how there was much more than one song though, and it was pretty good music). Wall of text btw, sorry about it; don't feel like separating it. Anyway, the gameplay was alright, but here are a few suggestions: I had trouble recognizing areas that I had to actually slide into, and ones I could just run past; the whole spinning move mechanic thing was just sort of odd, I couldn't tell you exactly what's wrong with it (be it the inclusion of an extra concept, the specific implementation, whatever) but it felt off, :/. And yeah, the tutorial was pretty nice and easy, but I think almost everyone could figure it out much quicker than the tutorial allowed you to go, I mean, there are slower people out there, but don't disable sliding until the VERY END of the long voice over telling you "Oh yeah, this is a smaller space. But you can't spin into it, or simply run into it, you have to do something else. You have to SLIDE! Can YOU guess which button lets you SLIDE!?" and piss off everyone else off. Sure, you don't want people accidentally passing parts of the tutorial and becoming totally lost later on, but I think you can still make the tutorial bearable for everyone else while still tending to the slower folks. And when you introduced the screen after the tutorial was done (the thing giving you info on sections of the screen piece by piece), you might have made it so that, instead of explaining every little detail ("THIS text explains the mission you've selected) that a 4 year old could deduce himself, explanations and further instruction appeared whenever the user *actually needed the info*. So, after the first race for example, if the game detects that the user has remained idle for 5 seconds, it gives a little reminder to hit the 'S' key to display more information about a planet, etc. OH! And no offense intended, but PLEASE for the LOVE OF GOD include a "skip" button for the cut scene, there are people out there who enjoy cut scenes, regardless of their quality, and there are people out there who just want to play the game, so learn from the professionals and cater to both types of people by just including a simple skip button.

Again, I'm really tired, but since you obviously put a lot of work into this game, I figured I'd at least try to give some constructive criticism. And again, I respect you for actually working on a flash project, and doing a good job on it, as it's easily much more than I can say for myself. Bleh. Night.