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Reviews for "I am Not a Witch"

I really like the score.

The music was my favorite part, and the ending scene if you lose was awesome, and true.

All around good game, but I do want to point out one thing.

Yes, Christine O'Donnell is a total whackjob (like most Christians, especially Evengelical Christians) but all Tea Partiers ARE NOT like that. I'm just so, damn, sick, of hearing it all the time, and enjoyed the game up until the last award, "Tea Party Nut" with a little KKK guy as the icon.

There have been exactly 0 incidents of racism or violence, and exactly 0 crimes committed at Tea Party events, ever. Hell, Glenn Beck is good friends with Alveda King, Martin Luther King's DAUGHTER. And don't you think that if there was even ONE violent event or ONE incident of hateful rhetoric at a Tea Party it would be all over the news? Not trying to rant here, but I hate ignorance, and the Tea Party stereotype is way overused. It's not like this is something that happened a hundred years ago. The facts are easily accessible, and calling someone a racist to discredit them is just plain lazy.

Hard at first but got easier with practice.

I had a good bit of fun with this game,i don't get into the whole politics stuff so i don't know of Christine O'Donnell except for the backstory you provided in the game which i got a kick out of especially her "awesome" face look,the controls of the game were solid but you had to get used to the speed and patterns of the game cause it was real hard at first but after a little practice it was actually rather easy as long as you camped up in the upper left corner where it's a 100% safe zone and just swoop down to grab money when you could,the animation looked great with it's pixelated style,overall i enjoyed this game and think you did an excellent job. :)

heh heh

i liked this game, especially RambObama who was flying his plane though?

Not bad.

It's an ok game for a while, but it soon gets boring. $10m takes ages to get... the undead medal is near impossible to obtain. The lack of autofire really sucks - maybe if the game didn't last as long, it would be fine, but it was really needed here. Nothing changes at all, except for the boss monster nearing the end, but chances are, someone would just quit before that happened. I don't see myself playing this again any time soon.

meh...not bad but

anyone notice what was written on the airplane that sometimes helps u?
AWSHUM!!u gotta read it,u get at least plus one point 4 that