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Reviews for "The Abusive Review Quiz"

I like the concept

I like the idea of creating a review system simulation as a method of training the NG user base to rate reviews accurately. It helps give a stronger grasp as to what's abusive, useless and helpful. This really should have been created years ago by the NG staff team for that purpose; because to be fully honest, a description merely explains it in theory; but it does not explain it literal interaction and for this reason could potentially lead to misconceptions.

I would critique the graphics, what with them simply being screen shots of the actual website, but then it became apparent to me that you created this in just under a day. So I can't really blame you for formatting it like that, although updating the graphics from pixels to vectors now that the challenge is over wouldn't hurt.

I foresee this submission reaching a somewhat critical high in popularity in the near future, just given the concept alone. I really can't believe no one has done this before, of if they have, just that it was so unpopular that it wen't unnoticed before is still unbelievable.

Hacsev responds:

Thank you for your review, phsychopath! It has been created before in fact by a user named RohantheBarbarian, I decided to make a quiz like he did, only it had medals. I actually started something similar to this 3 years ago, but I lost the file when my old computer crashed. So I had to redo it from the beginning and make it with AS2 so it could have the medals.


I like it, Infact i think newgrounds should implement something like this as a tutorial and tell you if you got one of the questions wrong.

Would very much help newcomers when to not blow the whistle, how they should review, and generally make us a better community. Well done bro =)

Hacsev responds:

Thanks, man. I like your idea.

Great game

Its great because it allows you to see how capable you are to flag other peoples reviews. Also, loved the random secret medals cheater (right click, click 'you cheater')

To anyone who wants to now where Weeble is

At the title screen go next to the left side of the ad box, go up to the middle of the side and just click until a medal pops up.


Realistical situations, nice job. I got deity! :D