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Reviews for "Ninja Painter"

it glitched.........

Moment the game loaded, I saw alternating "Ninja Painter" and "Level Completed" flashing on the screen. Apparently I won the game just by loading it!
Anyway, it won't let me play. I think it's kinda weird, and hope you can fix it soon so I CAN play.
by the way, I use Firefox. That may or may not help you.
From what I saw, you have good graphics!

good game

I'm not the sharpest puzzle man around so I can't claim to have finished any of the Hard levels super quickly. Still though, I think it says something about the lack of difficulty if I saved the Easy levels for last, just to complete all the levels. IMHO the game could've been better if it were more challenging, maybe adding something like the ladders giving out over time or windows moving around in certain patterns. Only some of the latter stages in Hard were anything that taxing.

That said, the controls are extremely responsive and sharp, and I don't mind the music at all. In fact, it fits the game very well. If there were more variety to what you could do, maybe in terms of different power-up abilities that lasted for a set amount of time, or objectives in stages besides getting to the exit (the ninja's ability is a lot like Mario's in Sunshine, so why not some side objectives like cleaning up fussy walls or w/e?) would be nice for longevity.

Maybe some sort of multiplayer mechanic would be nice too; this is too fun a game to play solo, even if that means adding in (decent) AI bots :)

liked it,

simple but fun game

Could have been worse.

At least there wasn't an undo button.

The game was way too easy. I didn't think at all, I just pressed the arrows, and I'd end up winning. The stars came without trying, too. And the music SUCKED. Really.

The graphics were just ok. I think the game would have been better if it had had another theme. Like, I don't know, an actual painter or a machine or something, but a ninja? WTF?


it was a little bit challenging n the 25-29 but y did the last one so easy? o.o