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Reviews for "Robinson Crusoe: The Game"

Too easy

i love this game but its fairly easy so it wont take to much to win

Major Glitch

Toward the last few days, i couldnt make rope. i had the table and supplies to do it, but when i tried to click on it i was given to no go symbol. i would have beaten it if the glitch hadnt happend. all in all a good game

Little help

The game is not impossible to beat, its just not that easy, probably you'll have to play 2-3 times first to know the surroundings. Here is a little guide to help you win ( not all medals are won)
- Pick the 3 tools from the right and THEN move to the Left to get the other 4.
- Build a hammock next to the river, then the fire, then the little altar and then the flanks making thingie and the rope making thingie. Thats all you need before starting building your fortress ( I finished it on day 6)
- Its good to calculate beforehand how much of each material you are going to need
- Dont waste your time with coconuts ( just eat a couple to add it your eating variety bonus score if you want )
- The food that you collect is added into your inventory, in order to eat you have to use the fork/knife button and then make your choice
-Using the river quenches your thirst and fills up you bucket. You can drink from the bucket by using the button.
- First collect the rocks around the cave and on the upper left of the map
-Before start travelling to the right make sure you have all your stats as high as possible ( especially energy since it runs out the fastest). Have your bucket full and take some cooked fish with you. You can then head for the rocks on the very end , pick some up and on your way back skin and kill ( with that order ) some animals. Repeat after you max out again and take some cooked meat with you instead of fishes
- You can eat/drink while you are sleeping, weird, yet use that to save some time
- - You can use the pause button ( or 1 on your keyboard ) to make more accurate moves
- Apples are not that bad, plus eating them adds to the eating variety score
- In order to die all four stats must reach zero. When one of them does, the rest drop down faster. Plan your trips, I start my trip back from the very right when my energy bar is at around 1/5
- I finished my fortress at day 6 and used the rest of the days to buld other stuff.
- I found Wilson close to the right side of the beach on day 9. Dont know how random that is.


Survivor: The Flash Game

Apparently, there is a lot of frustration with this game in how it leaves you stranded on a desert island and leaves you only ten days to gather the materials you need to defend yourself from a tribal onslaught of cannibals, and make no mistake, it certainly is. Of course, this is a game that forces you very much to explore your environment to learn every thing you need to know about the game and how to beat it, so you can see how some people may whine about not having enough time to prepare or find anything, because three game overs is just the limit with some people. This game also allows you to fast forward the speed, so you can move as slow or fast as you want, but you might want to keep it at the slow setting so as not to die. The game may be paused as well to give you a chance to review your stats and materials. Nevertheless, if you're up for a real game of Survivor, I highly recommend this.

But for those of you who tend to come into games like a deer staring at high beams, here are a few tips to help you along the way:

1.) Go along the beach to collect every single item along the shore, especially the tools, bucket and Bible.

2.) There are only a few buildings in the game that need concern you: the altar, the rope maker, maybe the well, the plank house (it's in the first building tab), and the fortress, which you might end up building at the end of the game depending on your efficiency.

3.) As soon as you collect the tools, start collecting materials. First you want wood, and lots of it. You want to cut down about 30 logs over the 10 days, because 8 of those are going to the plank house alone. Once you got a good 10 logs, build the plank house and altar, and pray to the altar every day before and after bed (I'm not one for religion myself, but within this game, it's as important as eating and sleeping, so do it). If you can go without a well (water can be acquired at the river on the far left of the screen), that's fine, because you will need that stone to construct the fortress, and you can find all the stone you need in the upper-right corner of the level.

4.) As you're going through the game, be sure to collect lots of food. A bunch of coconuts will work so long as you keep all your other stats up. If you encounter the apple trees, SAVE THE FRUIT, don't bother with the seeds, and only eat the apples when your stats get too low or you're on the brink of death. Speaking of food, make sure you skin and kill the deer in the game as their hide and meat will serve you well.

5.) If you were fastidious in your labors--collected materials, maintained high stats, and of course, built your structures--you should have a fortress days before the cannibals come, which will give you time to build other structures as well as look for Wilson along the beach. If not, then may Wilson take pity on you.


its goes to fucking fast where can i find the pickaxe i dont have da time
but i still love this game