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Reviews for "Checkpoint"


When you slide into the checkpoint, you keep sliding in next map.
(And game is great.)

Why all the hatin'?

Honestly, I don't see what all the fuss is about. The game is ridiculously easy (yes, I played it all the way through). The only problem I had with the game is that there's not really any motivation for the player unless he has incredible intrinsic motivation and a massive attention span.
All in all, a good game. Maybe a tad easy.

Do not pester the flying creatures.

This was a pretty damn challenging game. And also a damn GOOD game!
I only have a two minor complaints and one major one, but I'll get to them later.

Anywho, as I said, this is a pretty damn good game. It's simple, hard as f***ing osmium, vibrant, and strangely gratifying. I specially loved the music, even though it's the only track in-game, I never get tired of it. I like the modern electro-y beat it has, but I also like its retro style melodies. The graphics are good, but not great.

Now, I am sure many people will complain in their reviews about the scrotum-shattering difficulty, but I think that's the point. Many games are very hard on purpose; Like Ninja Gaiden, and they are still great games. So I please ask of you guys not to lower it's score simply because of it's difficulty; It's not the game's fault you suck too bad to play it.

Now, about those complaints I mentioned earlier, I'll start off with the minor ones:
First, the music. Yes, I love the track it plays, but it could have used a little more variety. Maybe a different track every few levels?
Secondly, the backgrounds/textures. I like the game's art style, but my eyes still grew weary of seeing the same textures and backgrounds over and over and over again.
And finally, my only major complaint;
The damn wall jumping. Don't get me wrong, the control is smooth as butter for the most part, but the wall jumping really affected the gameplay-- And only because of one single reason:
You have to press left AND up to perform it.
It's hell on your fingers and on your patience. The only good example of wall jumping well executed that comes to my mind right now would be Super Meatboy's, in which you only have to press UP to do it, and it's still a very hard (And awesome) game.

But anyways, in a nutshell;
Good gameplay, okay control, good music, okay graphics, and keyboard-smashing difficulty.

4/5 - 9/10*

Good job! :D

solid and challenging

this game was tough but not so bad that i wanted to just give up on it. there are a few pros, cons and recommendations.

the levels were set up so you can see all of the level (except a few) in 1 screen. this made getting to the ending possible before taking your first action. knowing that you must kill yourself a few times to make the level beatable added to the planning you had to include.

when wall sliding, it was very very upsetting that you would slide a few feet then just fall off. personally, i would have like to see the entire wall slide, it would have made the game a little easier at points. also, when standing NEAR a wall, when you jump, the game translates that as a wall jump, pushing you away from your target. there was a level that really hurt my death total...

the sarcastic remarks got old after a while. i was expecting, at the end to meet this mystery voice and have explained to me how i keep coming back to life, instead of the ending (which i did not get credit for the medal for beating the game :( ) so i ask, how is it i keep coming back to life, and who is the voice? if you are planning another game, at least hint at the answer...

this game really wasn't that hard

It was a lot of fun, I thoroughly enjoyed it, what killed me most was lag; however, javascript:submission_controller.GetR eviewController().SaveReview();that still didn't diminish the fun this game had to offer.