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Reviews for "SHMUP"

not enough power-ups

not enough power ups... classic old shooters had tons of interesting power-ups and i find these sadly lacking..... making it boring to be honest... 1 minute play and i was over it.

A lot of good ideas

This game has a lot of good ideas mixed with old school shoot em up elements, but i feel they don't work off each other as well as they could have.
For starters, there are a lot foreground, background issues. Everything is moving so fast and is treated with the same level of detail, that it quickly becomes confusing and frustrating. This is an issue that many shooters have, so I;m not trying to single this one out.
The ship is too big and moves way too slow, especially when compared to the enemies which dart all around the screen like they're on cocaine. I know you can level up and equip new engines to increase your speed, but your craft is so bulky, I feel you'd end up running into bullets anyway.And that's only if you level up enough to notice a difference.
Customizing your weapons was a good choice, but so many of the weapons are interchangeable, in the end, there are maybe only five unique weapons among the dozens you can collect. Being able to control the weapons orientation, again a good idea, but the levels are set up so chaotically, there's no way you can find a good balance between shooting forward or backward.
The RPG elements are artificial at best. Sense you can only upgrade in one way, it doesn't really have any depth. Sense enemies give you less EXP as you level up, visiting previous levels isn't much of an option, but even if they still gave you sufficient EXP, the level list is so small that it quickly becomes monotonous and starts to feel more like a chore than a game.
I liked the game enough to play to the last level, but that was as far as my patience could afford. I really liked the boss battles, because they used basic shooter elements but were executed really well!
Like I said, this game has a lot of good ideas, but they end up acting as padding for a sub standard shooter. If the action sequences were tightened up, and the RPG and customization options were more dynamic, than you would really have something special for the arcade shooter community.

Solid Shooter

Starts off a little slow, enemy patterns in the first few levels seem dull and uninspired, but get to the second world and it's not hard to argue that this could be the best flash SHMUP ever conceived. A word of warning though, this game is balls-to-the-walls hard!

+Good Difficulty
+Unique enemies and dazzling bullet patterns
+Weapon customisation and leveling beyond the scope of any other shooter I've seen

-Early levels drag a little
-Grinding levels is a chore
-Using the whole ship as a hit-box is a bad idea, was responcible for more than one cheap death

Decent enough

This game is hard for the wrong reasons. Levels seem to require memorization which seems like just length padding. Fast ramming units coming from below screen(Area 3) and enemies suddenly changing attack patterns(the Erebos boss where instead of retreating like usual they suddenly decide to ram you). Above that the homing missiles make Erebos too easy and you can nearly stay still shaking off the jellyfish things spamming +15% attack(on top of level) boosted missiles. Area 3 I nearly gave up on just because it became a mishmash of super-speed ramming units coming from behind, but I overcame this by just ignoring the ships' scratch damage. The unit piercing projectiles seemed mandatory just so you could hit the missile spam through the 15 units ahead of them. The final boss was very unique though.

The unit upgrading was a decent addition, but some weapons need descriptions indicating limited range and such. It was too easy to obtain upgrades though, I almost always had enough to max out my ship for the next planet.(Final area was an exclusion where I could only afford the omni mod).

Overall it's a time killer trying to get your over-sized ship to miraculously hit just enough units to get past the level.

Not bad but. . .

This is a good game that needs better upgrades. Playing levels over and over again just to gain levels is nice but there are no other upgrades until you get to different worlds. That makes this game frustrating and kind of boring to tell you the truth. I have a ton of money that I can not use because there is nothing left to buy, but can not proceed because the levels are beyond my ships abilities! This makes the game seem very boring to me and that is unfortunate because this game is VERY well done other than the playability. More upgrades, more stats upgradeable is what I think this game needs to make the repeated play of levels more tolerable. Great art work though and the music is pretty cool as well.