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Reviews for "SHMUP"

"Baw baw, tyrian's better, baw baw, it's not new"

Baw, baw, listen to the bawbags. This is honestly a solid shmup with a really interesitng emphasis on not just bullet awareness but also awareness on the fact that your hitbox is the size of Mount Everest. While normally I would say its a bad thing, since most SHmups drown your screen in pain and awful, this is honestly well executed in that while your hit box being so large is a pain, it's also a challenge because the bullets take this into account. I like it, and it's beautiful looking, and production values are very high. Enemy layout is very well done. Keep it up.

The best shmup I've played, yet!

I normally hate shmups. I normally don't give them the time of day unless they're really old classics that I fondly remember and always wished I could have been better at. This one I actually played through to the end without questioning it.

About a poor review this game got: recently, Dwarf Fortress got a write-up at Slashdot and if you didn't know that vaguely roguelike RTS had a bad menu interface before, you'd know it after reading the /. comments. All of a sudden it's hip for every pompous windbag to criticise a game's menus and interfaces. I don't know what kind of too-busy crowd wants their shmup perfectly modularized with their spreadsheet program or pipelined through vii, but there's not a god damned thing wrong with the shop and garage menus, and if the other menu options are distracting you too much, maybe you should up your ritalin dosage.

What's obvious is that the critic never got very far in the game. Early on, some ships that appear to be accompanied by entourage of fighters show up again in full speed coming at you like tetris blocks. And some big bulbous ships you thought would always be harmless don't seem so harmless when they are hemming you in from all corners four at a time. There's not a ship wasted in the whole game and anybody who believes otherwise simply didn't play far enough.

The first levels of each planet are perfectly balanced to give you a taste of what to expect in the rest of the planet's stages without giving too much away or discouraging you from going on. There are a few spots where you'll have to find the exact right combination of weapons to equip to get through a stage and others where you'll be fine if you just go balls to the wall with the craziest shit you have in your inventory.

It's a great game and I spent two hours beating it.

Just one word... HELL!

This game is A.W.E.S.O.M.E. I've probably spent 4 hours already, the action in this game is remarkable, although is like the classic plane shooters this game gives me a feeling I can't describe.
Heh, I have a PS joystick and didn't needed to donwload that file to use it :P I simply configured it and I was all set :D
There are a few things I found annoying though... Sometimes the enemies were just FUCKING hard ): and also when you get killed for example, I noticed the exp enemies yield also decrease D: Meaning even less leveling for you Dx That can be avoided by the player doing the following.
1: Feel the level, how's that? Well you play the level and when you first get in you dont know what to expect, so I highly recomend that while you play it, if your armor is dangerously low then pause and exit, that way you won't get exp and gems, yeah, although enemies exp yielding WON'T DECREASE :D
2: Once you know what to expect in the level edit your ship to counter the enemies attacks, I didn't knew this until recently but you can actually rotate the weapons turrets, which is really helpfull in some levels.
3: If you're not sure if your new strategy will work just test, if you're confortable enough with it, then stick with it, otherwise just do the pause and escape thingy you can still collect exp and gems after you master your strategy.
I'm thinking on staring over, why? Cause I didn't knew this when I played it :3
@rebellious-boy, there are a few things you can do in order to improve the game speed: 1) lower the quality of the graphics, 2) download the needed plug-ins, 3) Maybe is your internet browser, try having more than 1 installed in your comp, I use firefox and are satisfied with its performance. 4) If the past tips doesn't work, then I suggest either upgrade your comp's RAM memory capacity and video card OR buy a new computer.
Keep in mind flash games will improve as new and faster computers appear, which means, the oldest your computer the crappier your flash gamming experience will be with new games.
Now having said this imma gonna have some breakfast

Best looking game I've seen in....

Quite a while. I get the difficulty, but...Personally, I'd really like the game a lot more if I could individually upgrade my speed, as well as the health bar. Nothing personal meant by it, it's just those are two things I'm preferable to in the shooters I play. Being able to adjust the difficulty level would've been nice as well. Finally....I admire the detail and work that went into this particular game. The graphics are excellent, the controls couldn't be clearer, and I think it'd be a huge hit on other websites. (Still can't beat the first planet, though.)

spoiler: final boss is actually easier than the forth boss, it just has a lot of hp