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Reviews for "Dire Haven"

you ever get the feeling your about to get raped?

thats th feeling i got whilst playing this game, with the music =3

"Meat Boy: The Naked and Less Fun Edition"

I don't like how unoriginal it is, it's just another 16-bit platforming game. But for what it's worth what this game lacks in originality it makes up for it with... more unoriginality, as it looks and feels almost completely like Meat Boy, except with inferior physics and abysmal level design, often things are just thrown about willy-nilly with traps having no set timing and saw blades going around in random directions flying away to a place where it doesn't belong where it won't get in the way of the player. With the physics and controls I found it too be much too floaty for a game with precise jumps, and the ice blocks hardly even work like ice, you can land on them standing still and they jolt you forward at a fixed rate, like a treadmill, really they should've just put treadmills where the ice was, it would make more sense. Overall I found it to be unoriginal and unsatisfying, as it sort of combines the "Overly-Clean-and-White-Prison-Esque-
Environment-Escape" cliche made popular by Portal and the "Super Crazy 16-bit So-Hard-You'll-Rip-Your-Arms-Off-and-
Proceed-To-Gnaw-On-Them" cliche made popular by Meat Boy. Overall it's just too bland, it doesn't bring any new ideas or anything interesting to the table, and it's frustratingly difficult, but for all the wrong reasons, often it was bad physics or floaty controls causing me to run straight into a sawblade which got me killed, not clever trap placement or intuitive level design. If the controls and general feel were tightened up this game would be much more enjoyable to play, but the controls are just too wonky for me to give it any higher than a 2/10.
OK +1 point for being naked.
And one more for the music.

Sadistic, but fair.

Holy Christ. This is one well balanced self-torture device. Hard enough to be hardcore, but designed so that you know you can do it if you can just land on that one thing in the right way.

And you clever bastards. Using what might be considered a glitch in any other game as a core mechanic of two or three of the Lost Levels.

Bravo, gentlemen. Bravo.

Wow yet another 16 bit plat-former...

Yet another game in a long line of boring 16 bit platformers but wait this one has a twist to set it apart from the rest....your naked! Oh wait, that's all? Never mind. Nothing special here.


I can fap to this.