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Reviews for "Town of Fears"

Very good

I liked the game a lot, but as was said earlier, it had a few issues. Jake and the werewolf were VERY strong (not that I mind), and the detective was badass as well (50% dodge + head shot = Can't touch this!). Certain allys didn't get anywhere enough points to work with. Basically, a few game balance issues and a better soundtrack and your golden. Remember, the players are the Heros, so don't mind challenging them, or giving a few more SP next time. Cheers!

Amazing Game

I don't think this game is geared toward people who don't have good hand eye coordination, lol. If the Boss is too overpowered, its cause you can't aim. I beat him on the first try but just barely. Congrats on the Front Page!

Am enjoyable game, but hardly horrific.

The game was fun, but it definitely had its shortcomings.

The biggest fault with it would have to be the atmosphere - not once did i find this game remotely scary, and for a "horror" game, that's a pretty big failure. Things like 3 - 5 second loops playing over and over, constantly recycled enemies and lack of a death penalty make the game feel incredibly safe. I felt more like i was playing a strategy game - issuing orders from my impenetrable bunker, impervious to any immediate danger.
The game just felt very "safe" in general.

Another thing that ruins the atmosphere is how the combat is handled. In a standard horror scenario, the player needs to feel helpless, somehow - be it because there are simply too many enemies to be able to overcome, or they are far too powerful for you to be able to fight. Either way, direct confrontation is treated as a last resort. Here, it's (literally) the very first thing you do, and once you beat the enemy, that's it - move on to the next one.
The characters seem more like pest exterminators than victims in an overwhelming situation.

The final issue i had with the game is balance. Certain characters are ridiculously overpowered, making the game a cinch, while the rest are varying levels of pathetic. I've noticed a lot of people saying the final boss was too hard, but honestly, i had no problems. I essentially beat him with Jake and the Werewolf girl alone. By the time they were both defeated, a single shot from Angela was enough to kill it. I could have even soloed it with either one, had i actually managed to get good shots. But this just brings me back to the issue of balance. Those two are easily the majority of your strength in the game, the other characters have no hope of keeping up. This all stems from a handful of broken abilities - for Jake, max Tortoise style ASAP, with a few points in Serpent to keep you at full HP. Tiger strike will become your basic attack since you can use it every second turn. Eagle eye is worthless, don't waste your points. For the werewolf girl, Toggle between Regeneration and Bite, focusing more on Regen. Fury is good for dishing out tons of damage in a short amount of time, but because it drains your health on each hit, it becomes suicidal against stronger opponents (who do more damage when you're injured). Only put in a few points and either use it sparingly, or intentionally miss a few times to keep your health at a good level. Her final ability only helps you hit more often, so you're better off just practicing the timing than hobbling yourself in another area.

If you set them up like that, the other characters are pathetic by comparison. The game will be easy, as long as you get decent hits.

Overall, this game just feels a little too rushed. All of its faults could be fixed by spending slightly longer in testing and development. I hope you'll take your time with the sequel, and make it into the game this should have been.

Great Game

Really good game.

Overall a good game

however the final boss was far too overpowered.