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Reviews for "Zombies In Your Backyard"

I have to say, for a first game...

This is pretty darn solid. I'm going to use the bulk of the review on things that could be improved, not because it's bad, but because there's a lot of stuff you could do to make this shine far beyond a solid base.

The good:
-Solid, decent controls.
-Solid, decent guns.
-Pixely graphics get across what they need to, and they aren't bad.

Improvements I'd suggest:
-A better soundtrack. While it's appropriate, a simple bass/drums combo is a bit... plain. Granted, the game itself is plain, and not complex, but it could definitely be improved upon.

-Better ammo system. It's really, really annoying when I have an uzi, an AK47, and a M16, I'm trying to use the bullets sparingly, and I STILL run out of ammo before the day ends. You pretty much have to learn to click the mouse really fast and be precise in bullet use. (4 for small zombie, 8 for middle, I think 16+ for the big one) Perhaps ammo drops would fix this, it could also cost per bullet at the store to make up for it. That would make it more realistic as well. Also, a weak melee weapon with knockback (or strong melee weapon without knockback) would really help. By the time you can use it, you'll have taken damage.

-Bigger area/more zombies/more weapons. This is a large section, which I think would make the game a lot cooler. Granted, it could also revamp the game completely, but... First of all, in a shop that sells an infinite amount of bullets, has the world's best doctor, and an entire arsenal of guns, why wouldn't it have grenades, bear traps, and some kind of 'armor'? Not to mention different kinds of guns, wood for blockades, and barbed wire. I'm sure you can see how these would be used (bear traps only outside, kills one zombie on the ground before being disabled, blockades can be placed, costing a certain amount of wood/cash, and barbed wire can be placed on a blockade to harm zombies destroying it). The house could have more floors, and the lawn could be wider. This would make it more interesting. I would recommend having a front lawn screen, first floor screen, second floor, and third floor. Zombies could eventually come in through the roof, they could come in through the back door, and through the window. You could shoot the floating zombies from the second floor and the front lawn to kill them, once they come in they're a normal zombie. An enemy with a ranged attack would be good as well.

Though this is a bit messy, hopefully it has some good ideas that could be implemented in another update or other game.

As I said, this game is a wonderful base. I just don't think it's a full game quite yet, more a mini-game that's for killing 10-15 minutes. I feel like it should be in a larger game rather than being on its own as it is. But as I said, it could take off and go quite far if done right.

Good luck!

(-4 because I need to leave room for its potential, +1 because I'm pretty impressed with the quality of it already, since it's your first game)

-Swint of the Review Request Club-


I enjoyed it, to a certain extent.
The zombies once introduced there was nothing more new.
The weapons were available from start, you just had to make your way there from earning money but you knew what it was you where getting.
There was no upgrades, no such thing as; Barricades? Survivors? Explosives?

There was no new areas to unlock or move to.
I suppose it sticks to its title, but it COULD move on to other houses?

It was enjoyable for so long...

I like zombie games so your rating will no doubt be high due to that.

Make a sequel, i'd love to see more things included of what i've mentioned.

too easy, not a lot of upgrades

before you get the m16 the game is decently hard, but after that with good use of ammo it's easy.

also the minigun is stupidly overpowered, i mean you get 3000 rounds of the strongest bullets in the game for 1 wave.

also, more upgrades and maybe an endless mode would make it better.

Enjoyable But Easy

Let me start by saying that I got every single medal with relative ease. I did enjoy the game, and I felt the elements were incorporated nicely. A couple small complaints though:

- You have too much health. Far too much. I bought health maybe three times, mostly because I just wasn't being careful since I didn't need to be. I saw previously that somebody suggested lowering it to half. I like that suggestion a lot.

- The play area is too small. You are given little room to avoid zombies when you are reloading your weapons unless you can get outside to do a kind of double jump maneuver over them, back into the house. When the little zombies swarm, there are very few places to run to when you need to reload. It turns into bouncing around, waiting for your weapon to finish reloading. I would suggest making the area bigger. Make it possible to climb around, or jump on platforms that zombies are able to access.

- Weapon balancing is a bit wonky. The pistol can get you past day six pretty easily. I mean, there's a bit of challenge by that point, but it isn't devastatingly hard. The challenge should be alleviated by other weapons, but the clip sizes and overall accuracy based upon obstacles in the field, user error, and mouse error are not well balanced. The Uzi shoots fast, so of course it has more ammo. Sadly, this ammo is pretty much just the strength of pistol ammo in a rapid fire sequence, and you go through it very, very quickly. The M16 and AK47 both were severely lacking in ammo for later rounds, and honestly with the reload times and strength, the shotgun is useless outside of getting the medal for weapon buying.

Ultimately, the Mini gun proves to be too powerful. The last day wasn't even difficult, nor did it resemble a challenge. I just stood in the same spot, beginning to end, swinging the pointer around, killing enemies in one to three shots with an over sized clip. You are guaranteed to have enough by the final day to purchase it, effectively removing the challenge from the end game. I would suggest making the Mini gun not so easily attainable. Maybe make it so the player has to sacrifice the purchase of another weapon earlier on if they want the super powerhouse later.

- Finally, there is no actual enemy variety. Essentially, the zombies just get a bit stronger, and a bit more durable. With that though, they also get slower and easier to kill with the stronger weapons, or even the pistol. The first enemies are just annoying when there are many of them, and the last are so slow that they don't touch me unless I'm getting swarmed from both sides very quickly. With the bigger playing area suggestion comes many more zombie mechanics you could incorporate. It is something to consider.

I can't say I didn't enjoy the game. I did have fun, and I enjoyed earning the medals, despite how easy it was. If balancing of the entire game in every aspect is worked out, or even in another game entirely, you could have something truly fun. As it stands now, with all of my critiquing, I can't justify giving more than a 7.

the medals r all screwed up...