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Reviews for "Socrates Jones: Pro Philo"

I heard about this awhile ago through the IndieGames twitter account and thought I'll check this out but I never got the chance and now with it on Newgrounds I must check it out! This has a very Phoenix Wright feel going on in my opinion which is a pretty good thing. This starts off really slow and I'm getting the feeling it plays really slow. The music is pretty good but it needs to be more exciting when asking questions like in Phoenix Wright. I'm really tired of the amount of presentations from Billy here. I can't stand to play through this. It is wait to text heavy and slow with boring music. The first 30 minutes is really boring so my review is only based off of the first slow ass 30 minutes.

I actually kind of saw that coming, just because I watch Supernatural so much and it always comes down to "oh, this person sold his/her soul to save that person." I guess I'm just used to it! ^_^

Absolutely spectacular! Usually I find largely text-based games lacking, but this one has everything necessary. In fact, it was so great, I played it all the way through, even though my brain really was killing me.

Some superb aspects:
-Humor, the philosophers were spot on, I just loved it
-NONSENSE! (I don't know, that was just gratifying for me.)
-Ability to question, even when I was stuck because my ideas weren't directly conveyed by the options available, I could probe enough to get at the point I was searching for
-Length, though it may seem a bit long, each person added a new challenge, I especially love the questioning of your own conclusions bit as I had been doing that all along
-Shock value, no explanation needed

I really can't find any negatives, unless philosophy isn't your thing, in which case you would hate the game. But if that were the case, you would have quit with the salesman.

This is definitely one of the better games I've played. Good job!

dork game!!!!