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Reviews for "Zombidle"

This is a really great idle game. My only question is, why is this on the front page of newgrounds? This was frontpaged almost a year ago. Im confused. Oh well, at least my save data is still here!

Really fun game, I admit I don't have issues with the cursor from ads, I really admire these guys' work too. Does anybody understand the "impossible to read" thing I know its a joke, but don't get it.

This game is so addictive and filled with stuff. I like how it starts with nothing going on and then once you start unlocking stuff the game just goes nuts with content, which I find great.

Now, I've read about people's mouse cursor disappearing, and this has happened to me when the ads pop up, but I keep solving it by right-clicking, that makes the mouse cursor appear again. Maybe it doesn't work for some other people, but it does for me, so I'm really not affected. Cheers!

Also, the laptop I'm using is not really the best... or good, but I have not found any harsh lag, and that's a plus I had to throw out there.

Congatulations, you made a game so charming that i feel bad for having adblock, here, ill disable it

People have been asking for months for you to solve that problem about the mouse disappearing with the ads, this isn't fun to play anymore like this, can't recommend the game in this state cause it keeps getting worse, don't touch this game until they state to have solved the mouse disappearing problem.

Read the other reviews, I'm not the only one with the problem, and it just keeps getting worse. Don't play it cause you might get hooked into it and then you will have to keep refreshing it to get the mouse back. You have been warned.