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Reviews for "Humanoid Space Race"


Good game and no obvious problems with it. One thing that bothers me in your comments though is you say you only tested under Microsoft Edge. Why are you using Microsoft Edge as the test environment for web games anyway??

At the very least you should be testing your games under both Firefox and Chrome. For one thing, they are available for most OSes and platforms (whereas Microsoft Edge isn't), and for another they will be the majority of what your visitors will be using.

I can tell you right now, in this case, this game works correctly and I encountered no problems under Firefox. But it's rather baffling to me why you wouldn't have tested this under Firefox (and Chrome) yourself prior to uploading here. It's a free download and as a web developer you absolutely should be testing under it.

If you also want to test under Edge, Safari, Opera, Konqueror, or other browsers, that's cool, but at the very least plan to include Firefox and Chrome in your future tests. Don't just make the thing, test it under Microsoft Edge, and assume it'll work in everything else (without testing first).

In this particular case it does happen to work perfectly fine in Firefox, so without your admission, I would likely not have known you didn't test under Firefox, but in the future plan to test all your web games on at least Firefox and Chrome, as that will be what most people use (as well as available for most platforms). This will prevent any problems popping up in the future.

decafpanda responds:

Thanks. I originally tested in Edge because it was the default browser on my computer. I wrote that in the comments when I first started making the game and I completely forgot to update it!

I have been thoroughly testing in Chrome and Firefox for a while now. It just slipped my mind to edit the comments.

Thanks for bringing it to my attention and for the play/review!

Great game. Fun, smooth controls, upgrades are simple and nothing that would make me too crazy. However, it just seems to me that getting a score of 100,000 seems impossible. I defeated the boss without dying and I got 0 points for the boss bonus, ending with a little over 50,000. Does it measure your performance of the boss fight or is it just based off of whether you die or not?

I don't normally like action games, but this one has a really high fun factor. It's one of the few that runs reasonably smoothly even on my p.o.s. laptop even when there are a ton of enemies and bullets flying around on the last levels. And although it gets pretty mad and crowded toward the end, it didn't cross the line of making me feel like I was out of control and just mashing buttons randomly. I agree with VascoF that the hitboxes when I stomp attack sometimes seem a little bit off to me, in that I'll take damage if I try to stomp in an area toward a mech's front or rear that I would think should be a clean hit, but it doesn't happen often enough to be a big detraction.

This game was lots of fun! I enjoyed playing it as a quickie since it wasn't too hard, but was really fun at the same time and also challenging. Keep up the great work :)