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Reviews for "Teletubbies -Mercy Kill."

AAAAAAHHHHHHHH that music!!!!!!shoot me plz!!!!!!!

I hate the teletubbies i will assinated them all!!!!!

SHINSIE ( true in chinese)

Hellz yeah man. Great way to kill time and teletubbies. Two birds with one sniper rifle. Fo' sheeeeeeeeeeeze this is a must play, love that chainsaw, biotch lo-lo or what ever the fuck they're names are. Kill em' all, big stess killer!


Simply the best!


droooolll1 bloody good game this, not sure my kid would like it though... keep up the good work!


DUDE DAT WAS DA BEST GAME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Now I will play dis 4EVER!!!!!!!