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Reviews for "Chemical Love"


This is my favorite music piece I've found on NG so far. It is warming, "reactive", thought provocative, heart felt, expressive and I don't wanna spend the rest of allowed characters on description. I feel as if I can listen to this forever and I still wouldn't mind listening to it. Absolutely amazing this harmonious piece is the work of a true master.

Are you a professional musician? I'm also surprised the media or record company hasn't discovered this amazing ambient music and sent you a review. You could probably sell this for big bucks and get away with it :P

Well enough is enough I'll stop typing so you can do other things because I know you read and respond to your reviews (which is awesome in itself btw)

Gillenium responds:

Glad you liked it so much! As for the professional musician thing... if by that you mean I'm signed with a label, then no, I'm not. I do have a CD out on CDbaby.com, but I had it made myself. I'm not too interested in selling music at the moment, though. For my CD, I just thought it would be cool to have actual album art, haha, I didn't really care about how much I sold. I wouldn't want to become famous anyway. The underground is so much cooler :D

By the way, I'll be making another reactionary ambient to an upcoming Underworld concert in Atlanta. I don't know if you'll like it as much, but it's coming! I find it's best to bottle these moods when they're here. I made this one in a few days. Any longer and I think I would've lost the direction of the track..

Thanks for the review!


this song is awsome man i love it and its very creative i think it has a proffessional touch to this :D good work

chemical love -> command and conquer zero hour -> gla -> special wepaon

this song reminds me off the special weapon gla use

Gillenium responds:

This reminds you of the GLA in CnC?? That's probably the weirdest comparison I've ever heard! Although it makes me giggle to think of this playing as the SCUD missiles shoot up into the air and subsequently annihilate the Chinese. Thanks for the review!

Goosebumps, man!

I think i smell another remix on the horizon!

Gillenium responds:

Hahaha, that would be rad. You should do it! :D

Thanks for the review

all i ever write is how songs remind me of things

this SERIOUSLY reminds me of a mix between a technological game and the voodoo levels of Sly Cooper, game 1.
At any rate, I absolutely love it. It's such a great song to just relax or meditate to.

Gillenium responds:

Thanks :D I think it's impossible not to be reminded of something from a song.


Really relaxing, so good that I used it in my game :)

Gillenium responds:

And what a good game it is ;)

Thanks for the review.