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Subject X-07


Art by: Alicard

Story by: Ð

One of the first Xeno'gies made for strictly combat ever born, Subject X-07 proved much more promising than his older siblings. 7 was specially engineered to have a smaller frame and longer tail for covert operations, planned to be utilized for recon and/or wartime assassinations. He learned and grew at an exponential rate, being trained in vr whilst being developed in a growth chamber- giving him roughly 20 years of experience and bringing his body to full maturity in just a few months.

7 was a product of genetic chance, as even though he was born male he shares genetics nearly identical to the queen of the Xeno'gies hive. His royal genetics have granted him a powerful psychic ability, allowing him to suppress or amplify his presence to living things. 7 can make it so that most flesh and blood things with a brain similar to his will have a much harder time spotting him in stealth missions.

He is one of the only non-female Xeno'gies to be born with psionic capabilities, and is learning to use the ability faster than predicted; being able to not only change people's perception of him, but also induce minor mental damages like nausea, vomiting, migraines, and temporary blindness when within 20 ft of an individual. The radius of his psionics is much larger for other xeno'gies, able to psychically communicate with his kin and act as a beacon for the queen's influence.

7 was put in the direct care and supervision of one Doctor Iskandar Vega, the man responsible for the development of the Xeno'gies modern engineered genetics. Their relationship was purely to help 7 get used to taking orders from higher ups and build a sense of loyalty to the corporation and it's staff members.....But that changed when Dr. Vega began treating 7 rather well.....Being kind and caring, much more than the higher ups would have liked.

Dr. Vega was going against company ruling and getting too personally close to Subject X-07, perhaps due to a sense of guilt or responsibility. Dr. Vega was kind enough to 7, feeding him non-military standard foods, treating him to rewards not sanctioned....They grew so close that 7 even allowed the Doctor to be in the same room as him, trusting him enough to not be separated by security glass.

The doctor is allowing his emotions to get the better of him . . . . .

Increased supervision of Dr. Vega's accounts advised . . . . .

Subject X-07 strategic value: Absolute . . . . .

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Waiting for 3 more votes

Oct 18, 2024
7:17 PM EDT

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