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The Book of the Soul



Corrosion of the soul, Seal of madness, God's last gift, Sign of the soul, Disease of the mind.

This phenomenon has many names.

The disease mainly occurs in places such as:Forest, Prison, Abandoned Village, Mountains.

In general, symptoms begin to appear when the creature is under prolonged stress.

When sick, the creature becomes uncontrollable and can attack anyone.

The disease mainly affects humans and other sentient races, there have been cases where this has happened to animals as well.

First stage:

Incoherent speech, Obsession with something, fits of rage, sadness or laughter, Making meaningless actions.

During this stage, it is strongly recommended to visit a doctor or a priest for psychological help.

Second stage:

Reddened eyes, white skin color, enlarged icons, full or partial hair loss.

At this stage, the disease becomes irreversible.

It is recommended that during the onset of irreversible consequences, cut off the head of the infected, pierce the head with a sword, or otherwise destroy the brain.

Third stage:

The last final stage of the creature begins to change rapidly.

Bones and internal organs begin to distort and turn inside out.

The air becomes musty and the body begins to exude a putrid smell.

For each person, the physiological processes of transformation occur differently depending on the mental state of the individual.

Someone grows new limbs for themselves, someone twists their neck, and someone is distorted so that it is impossible to say whether it was a person or not.

When meeting with such a monster, by default, it is recommended to slowly run away from him without provoking him to further actions.

Monster can be extremely aggressive and deadly has increased physical strength as well as survivability capable of suffering any damage except the brain.

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Waiting for 5 more votes

Feb 24, 2022
5:50 PM EST

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