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InkTober 2024 #5 - Binoculars


Spot looking for the first level's island (sorry, I don't know it's name) with a binocular, unaware she's way closer she thinks, while the crap captain I-don't-remember-his-name (sorry again!) notices her and The Mimic isn't so subtle about his presence, for the sake of having him in the art, he actually should be hiding.

This one was weird, since up to when it didn't had bg yet, I was really liking it, when I finished the island and such I didn't liked it that much as the rest but I did, so I was excited to finish it since I thought I would really like it, and when I finished it I was dissapointed, since I thought the bg and perspective wasn't as right as I wanted and ruined the whole thing, but after some time of having done it, I think it's not so bad!

In fact, I am having a bit of trouble deciding if this or the Ruby one (day one, backpack) it's my favorite! Even if the whole setting isn't as impressive as I wanted it to be, it's decent enough for something I never do, and that's the point of this whole thing, and I personally think I nailed Spot's posing and the design AJMarekArt made for her.

I guess that's all for now, I really wonder how this drawing wil age considering my whole rollercoaster on how I felt about it. For now I dare to say it's one of my favorite pieces I've done till now

The character's name is Spot The Mouse Scout and she belongs to the currently indev game: ALittleLost, by Robert Lauer. And the artstyle she's drawn in is an imitation attempt at AJMarekArt's depiction of her

You can also tune in to ClockOut Channel on Twitch to ocasionally catch up to a glimpse of the game's development or watch the artists play and make art.

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Waiting for 5 more votes

Nov 6, 2024
12:03 AM EST

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