Something I really like about your art is the way you use color, the crosshatching technique is distinctly your own and gives your art a personal touch. And your anatomy is on point. Also it's a big burly man, which is never a bad thing.
On a weird route where Frankencastle walks outside with his 1990s-style swimsuit on for Halloween, only that the skull motif turned into sans for no apparent reason. Wolverine low-key seems to like it though.
Frank "The Punisher" Castle (c) Marvel
Sans of Undertale (c) Toby Fox, 2015-
all rights reserved
Something I really like about your art is the way you use color, the crosshatching technique is distinctly your own and gives your art a personal touch. And your anatomy is on point. Also it's a big burly man, which is never a bad thing.
You may not use this work for any purposes.