Ooo, green hair tall! :D
Time for a retcon! So... A friend of mine pointed out the problem that the bevor (neck armour) on the Gray Guard, and Alex (the girl on the left) would prevent the characters in question, from being able to seamlessly rotate their necks.... Big issue, good point. So anyway, 'BEVORS TUCKED!!!' from now on :)
Kindred of the Carvings (the horror book) is available on Amazon Books.
- KOTC as an IP (at least visually) - is still in development, and the 'concept' art isn't representative of the final draft... (There will be mistakes and changes along the way.)
- KOTC is not Public Domain, I legally own it. However, in the same way I am legally allowed to make fanart of Berserk, you are allowed to make KOTC fanart. And I would love to see it, if you do.
Ooo, green hair tall! :D
Hehe, yes. I love drawing Chloe (the green haired lady) her hair is very fun to draw, it tends to be tendril-like, and very shiney. Takes a lot of layers to make it that colour :D
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