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Reworked Manix Refs


Decided to re-work how the Manix (species) work, with some more external input and making them a bit closer to insectoid than mammalian. Been a long time coming for my second ever proper species! Below is an excerpt from their respective document. Above is a reference for all four genders of Manix. Manix can look pretty different between races and individuals, this is just a sample of the Venocentric race. Also, I'm still not finished with the whole rework, so this may not be final, as with everything I make :p

Manix are, unlike most other species in the Nextnova galaxy, are closer to insects than mammals in lineage. Manix do not produce milk, nor do they perform live birth. Manix however have both bones and chitin, have hair/fur, and are warm-blooded. Most notably, and arguably the most innately different element of the Manix species is their biological “gendered” natural ranks. Instead of one template for all of the kind, Manix are split into four genders that dictate their appearances.

Starting with the least prestigious, unlike the other three genders, Drones are more animal-like and mentally simple. They will listen to and perform directions from a King to their own harm or death, and generally do not have much personality or complex feelings. They are still of the Manix species, but are not afforded rights. Typically given menial tasks and labor such as cleaning, Drones are typically kept like house servants, or kept in national control for various purposes. Drones are expendable and killed on the daily, with little to no concern from the other three genders. Drones are typically small (under 4 feet, sometimes less than 2) and often born deformed. They have quick aging cycles and do not last longer than a year. They never have more than two eyes, and often only have one functional one. This aspect of Manixin life can be unsettling or upsetting to other species, as drones generally look similar to other Manix. 

Worker Manix are fully sentient and arguably on-level with the upper two genders of Manix, but have mental traits and limitations that lock them into being subservient. Worker Manix (and Soldiers to a lesser extent) innately think of themselves as incapable of leadership, refusing to follow or as an example, vote for anyone other than a King Manix. Worker Manix are not entirely unable to think for themselves in this way however, and are capable of thinking in their best interest, as well as picking between Kings. Worker Manix typically fill lower prestige, mass roles in societies, and are mentally incapable of leadership. Worker Manix are reproductively intersex, but can only produce other workers and drones. Worker Manix are typically anywhere from 5’0” - 5’10” feet tall, and live on average for forty years. They always are born with two eyes.

Soldier Manix can lead groups of Worker Manix, and are typically given jobs as such. They also refuse to follow each other, and require the supervision of a King Manix. Soldier Manix are better at thinking in their own interest than Worker Manix, and are able to ignore direct orders from a King if they disagree, rather than only in situations they believe they’d be harmed or harm others unnecessarily like Worker Manix. Soldier Manix are also intersex, and are capable of producing the full range, however a soldier Manix producing a King is exceptionally rare and it typically falls into an edge-case that will be touched on later. Soldier Manix range from 6’0”- 6’6” most often. They live on average 70 years, and are always born with four eyes.

The final and highest prestige gender, King Manix are mentally driven and require some form of leadership position to not fall into mental strain. They are the most rare, as typically only King Manix can make other King Manix, and even then not all they produce are Kings. Not every King can be leader of the nation however, and this can create strife and occasionally cutthroat competitions between them for the higher leadership positions. King Manix are also intersex, typically ranging from 6’ to 7’6”. They live on average 100 years, but have been known to live to 130. King Manix always have six or more eyes. 

These gender classes are not absolute, and do exist on a true spectrum. This is not general socially acceptable thought however, and those that fall in-between are often seen as confusing and odd, for better or worse.

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Sep 5, 2024
2:37 PM EDT
  • Clip Studio Paint

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