Captured the emotion well, proportion looks great, would have liked to see colour.
"Self Portrait- Fear"
Compressed and vine charcoal
April 2009
- 1 of 4 of a series of self portraits I created for my life drawing final.
Captured the emotion well, proportion looks great, would have liked to see colour.
wow you are a truely amazing artist.
This is great. The hand is good, therefore i'm quite envious as i have problems drawing hands haha.
Great portrait, but...
Something about the size of the head compared to the rest of the body. Don't get me wrong, this blows any thing I draw way out of the water, but I just can't help but notice the proportions are just a little off.
Also, shading. I'm not sure how many time's I've heard and continue to hear that "there needs to be more shading." However, after hearing it so much, now I finally see what my teachers were saying...and it's hard to enjoy anything I draw beacuse that's all I notice. :/
Again, this makes what I and most people on NGs draw look like crap, but these little things need to addressed. Once they are you could be an absolute Goddess of portraits! Or whatever else it is you plan to peruse in life.
It's great to see people with serious potential putting their skills to work.
Now all I ask is: Draw me? :P
O, and to Omnigon: You are full of so much fail it's painful (and I'm not even talking about, artwork?).
lol yeah I find that Omnigon guy hilarious-
I totally agree that I need to push the values a little darker- create more contrast and all that. And the head is a little too big. You have a good eye! These were the things my professor said when reviewing this piece- wtg :)
This is fantastic.
The expression, position of the hand and the tones pretty much blow my mind. I never could work well with charcoal myself.
Yeah i sucked at drawing with charcoal at first because I wasn't used to it. But after a couple months I actually enjoyed it. And now after years of working with it I would never go back to graphite!