By merely looking at her I can totally say that she has that 2023 drip and she looks very swag. She is way to swaggy to join MLG or as it’s called in the business: Major League Gaming. Okay but jokes aside, this has to be one of the cutest drawing I have ever seen from ya Aston! I really love how goofy and cute it is! But besides that, let’s get to the actual review of this wonderful drawing. Firstly, the designs of each character just looks so unique from each other and they simply look so adorable together! Aston is it just me or you just make such adorable characters? Because I have noticed that in all of your art they always feature such cute and adorable characters Aston! Secondly, the line art in this drawing is simply amazing and it’s just so smooth as hell. The line art in this drawing is just smooth as butter and I love how you go the extra mile to make such smooth line art Aston! And finally, the poses that each character makes in this drawing are really realistic and I really love how they look both realistic and cartoony at the same time. I really love the nice blend of realism and cartoony in your drawing Aston! Overall this is a very silly and cute drawing like the rest of your drawing haha! Keep on drawing Aston! :3