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Previously, I did an art redrawing of Emerald and her experience in being captured/tortured by the Gremlin Angel of scenes for my comic story.

Now I bring you Omega, leader of her sisters team. Omega is one of my favorite girls to draw and one of the few of the sisters I update her look every few years. Now onto the comparisons.



As you can see, her skin was paler and she originally had lipstick. Her expression is supposed to be horrified but as you can see from this and the redrawn version, it totally looks bland and expressionless.


As you can see, she's still pale but not as originally planned and she has no lipstick but fuller lips. I few her at a different angle and you can see the sheer terror on her face. Even the demon wall is more expressive here than in the original drawing.

What do you think of this comparison? Like, comment, share. Much appreciated.

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Your level of detail is always awe-inspiring! I like Omega’s pale skin and lipstick from before, but the new version captures the feeling of terror much more accurately. I think the original could work if you think of it as her not being able to process what’s happening, but the new version is indeed much more expressive.
Awesome work!

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Waiting for 1 more vote

Sep 9, 2021
1:44 PM EDT

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