I think I feel similarly to WahyaRanger in that, when I look at this image, I feel like I'm looking at /nothing/. But I don't think it is because nothing is there, because nothing would indeed catch my attention. I'm very confused because I don't understand why I feel like I'm looking at nothing. It feels so intensely /nothing/ that it seems poetic. Like... it captures the idea of nothing better than true emptiness.
I think it is because, in true nothing, your mind fills in the blanks. Images arise in the darkness. But here is a clearly defined image that has already filled in all the blanks. It is difficult to arrange the elements of the image into something familiar or regular. So, instead, it remains as simple data in the mind. This bids further study.
Does that make sense? No? Okay, nevermind then. Pretend like I said "nothing". ;)