As of right now, and you may be able to tell, I'm not very skilled in the art of digital illustration and painting, as photography is my current medium of choice. However, I've always been enthused with the fine arts, despite my lack of inherit capabilities in them. I started digitally painting around a couple months ago when I got my Wacom Intuos Draw tablet. I don't believe I'm the best, I just want to learn and develop a coherent and interesting style to my digital crafts. This is a basic example of my current skill level with digital painting, and it may be evident to most that I'm in a very rudimentary stage of skill. Nonetheless, I have been practicing my technical skills with the medium for a few months now in between my life-absorbing assignments, as seen in my profile picture and icon, and hope to further my abilities to create aesthetically-pleasing work. TLDR; My digital arts skills are very basic at the moment and I hope to improve them in the future. If you're actually seeing this image and reading this description, thank you! Any constructive criticism is welcome, and trust me I know when it is and isn't, as I've been in an advanced arts program for the past four years in my high school. Thanks again - Bermuda Sands
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