I told you the 7 hour lore vid inspired me, anyway Kainé, a very interesting character in Nier Replicant, and I feel like is my fave, I mean there is a lot about her I like, outsider due to a reason not in her control, swears a ton, prone to violence, has big fuck you blades...okay I don't have the last one...yet!
Still think she is an interesting character, I enjoy her, I like her design as sexy and ridiculous as it is but wanna point out I got more respect for the Neir Creator Yoko Taro than I ever will for Kojima...Yoko admits he has a thing for sexy outfits and legs and is having fun while Kojima tries to make some weird dumb explanation why Quiet runs around in a bikini top when that same universe has a dude with her same condition not running around like that...just admit you like boobs! Anyway -clears throat- I respect Yoko more than Kojima.
That being said I wanted to draw her with a Lunar Tear because she is more or less associated with them, and I don't get to draw flowers that often...also oh god that pattern on her leg thingy was hard to recreate.
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