Why is her one leg so big? All of you reviewing except one didn't even notice it because you're too busy staring at her huge fake boobs. This light reflections make her look like plastic and it doesn't match the rest of her skin, if you put them there then you should have them all over, maybe then she would just appear to be oiled up and that's not so bad. I am baffled with that leg and foot though. I do notice her torso is also on the thick side - that's awesome! You should have made her a thicker gal, she would look better than any other anime chick with ridiculously huge boobs out there. She would look more normal. Whether she is thick or stick skinny, her arms are way too small here.
I do like the simplicity of her, her outfit and hair don't have much detail at all, and he staff is very plain as well (almost too plain) but I like that. However, it's not enough to make up for everything else totally wrong about this. Try again!