One clock's time!
I give this work an 8/10 because there is a lot going on for just a clock, and overcomplicated devices really catch my eye. On the actual clock part of this structure there are many hands, which can only mean that in a dimension where a construct such as this one exists, time is not standing still and things are happening here and there. It could also mean it is one damn silly clock! The large tower upon which it rests can show me that this article is made up of different corridors, milks, crannies, and chasms. Each layer may have a specifically assigned job in the process of this time distortion you list. Although obvious to the trained eye, to the public, it simply looks ordinary. Every one of its true inter workings lie within the walls. What stands out about this as well is the detailed, yet still sketchy gears, cogs, pipes, and carts carrying some sort of mineral. All of these things contribute to the abnormality of the "clock".
-- Overall this is excellently presented and makes me wonder what else is concealed beneath the mysteries of The Luwbnerg's Steampunk Industry time distortion facility and for that I call in an 8/10 air strike upon this work of art.