[c0pied n pazted diz fr0m DA btw]
alr here'z peppin0z ref sheet n dezign 4 mah au im w0rkin 0n cuz yeah l0l.
anywayz here'z sum m0re stuff b0ut em l0l:
peppin0 g0ez by 2 namez being the t0rtured Italian man/TTIM n experiment 81 [he 0nly went by dat in da lab he waz trapped at btw].
da tw0 experimentz peppin0 went thr0ugh waz "da Italian zleep experiment" [which iz like da Russian zleep experiment but way w0rze btw], n it'z alz0 why hiz armz l00k like dat] n a presumably unk0wn experiment dat turned em int0 da man we kn0w t0day.
da symb0l 0n peppin0z bandage representz da lab he waz at bef0re escaping.
saved n0ize fr0m the t0wer c0llapzeing 0n them, by letting da t0wer c0llapze 0n em in hiz t0rtured f0rm instead but later 0n he g0t 0ut 0f da pile 0f rubble, in hiz 0ther f0rm [being da 1 u zee rn] while he had n0ize wrapped in hiz armz n tentaclez, n yeah let'z juzt zay hiz alliez were l00kin 4 n0ize in da rezt 0f da pile 0f rubble, 0f da n0w c0llapzed t0wer but uhm he juzt ran away with n0ize while they were l00kin 4 em, n br0ught em back 2 hiz place n helped em rev0cer.
can actually eat n stuff with da m0uth 0n hiz st0mach.
a bit b0ut hiz sexuality iz dat he d0zen't fully kn0w if he'z gay 0r n0t, z0 he juzt settled 0n being bi 4 kn0w while he still questi0nz it.
peppin0 hidez hiz 0ther eye with da bandage due 2 da fact he thinkz he might scare pe0ple with it.
talkin a bit m0re 0n hiz diet he d0zen't 0nly eat italian culinary cuz he'z alz0 a slight cannibal [he d0zent really eat pe0ple much, but he d0ez eat pizza m0nsterz way m0re den p0eple th0 l0l].
getz really fluztered when n0ize flirtz with em juzt 2 ann0y em, but if n0ize juzt ann0yz em like n0rmal he will get slightly strezzed 0ut n ann0yed.
haz a z0mewhat l0ve hate relati0nship g0ing 0n with hiz twin br0ther [and uhh btw pizzan0 n peppin0 r twin br0therz in dis au cuz i zaid z0 l0l].
v0ice wize he w0uld s0und like-a diz: www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeZRti… l0l.
juzt like hiz inzanity hiz t0rtured fr0m 0nly triggerz when y0u make em really angry, n adding 0nt0 dis he alz0 haz anger issuez.
d0zen't mind being apart 0f n0izez assassinati0nz since he enj0yz helping em 0ut.
n0t ALL pizza m0nsterz attack peppin0 cuz...well it'z already stated, but z0me 0f dem d0 cuz...yk l0l.
takez real g00d care 0f n0ize due 2 da many injuriez he haz.
peppin0 getz scared shitless eazily depending 0n da situati0n he'z in.
fun fact da insperati0n 4 murder au peppin0 came fr0m the t0rtured 0ne fr0m MCM and/0r da bikini b0tt0m h0rr0r c0micz, n hiz appearance in a [cancelled] game PTG did called "pizza massacre".
d0zen't zleep due 2 nightmarez n trauma fr0m da Italian zleep experiment, but he d0ez zleep in rare timez h0wever but he will have a hard time d0ing z0, unless n0ize iz with em.
d0zent really have a gender due 2 being a experiment type thing but pe0ple call em, a guy due 2 hiz appearance despite n0t having a gender really.
bef0re any0ne aksz yez he d0ez have a fake peppin0.
helpz 0ut n0ize with hiz wh0le "n0ize tv 0utp0zt" thing l0l.
juzt like da can0n he runz a pizzarea datz 0n da r0cky side 0f thingz except n0ize iz there n0w since...yeah yk why l0l, but n0ize d0zen't really d0 much except sitz there n ann0y em until peppin0 needz help with sumthing.
in hiz semi pazt while he waz at da sage thing [murder au] snick set it 0n fire while he waz still inzide, and yeah snick helped em escape but he refuzed 2 g0 with pep since he later 0n c0mmited die by running int0 da flamez [which he s0meh0w survived] while peppin0 escaped.
peppin0 haz many alliez [being da murder au verzi0nz 0f dem] like gustav0 stick n0ize vigilante snick, n a few 0therz n0w like pizzan0 pizzelle r0zette n n0izette [he d0zen't really like n0izette dat much 4 many reaz0nz btw].
juzt like n0ize he'z a murderer between b0th humanz n sentient pizza m0nsterz [but it'z 0nly da pizza m0nsterz dat d0nt like em th0 l0l].
it may n0t l00k like it but peppin0 iz actually a h0stile entity when it c0mez d0wn 2 certain thingz.
sum extra thingz 2 n0te 0n em iz dat he haz clawz dat c0me 0ut 0f hiz fingertipz like h0w clawz 0n a cat d0ez, and he alz0 criez acid dat 0nly meltz certain thingz/materialz.
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