I really like this picture. The artwork is deep and detailed, but it also has a deeper meaning behind it. Great work.
A 2 hour speed paint, expressing how i feel sometimes and what it is like inside my mind.
Allow your mind to open about this piece, feel free to share your thoughts and concept on what this scene shows to you.
The concept in mind, but may not be the one you have. Is of a barren, lifeless world. Where the only light comes from large fires in the middle of wastelands where any remaining life tries to survive. In the darkness, away from the light, is a just the shattered remains of a former world, that was once filled with life. Those who do survive, survive alone in the world, where not many choose to live for long. Keep in mind this is a world inside of my head, So any laws of well.... anything.. don't apply :)
Feel free to share your thoughts and feedback,
I really like this picture. The artwork is deep and detailed, but it also has a deeper meaning behind it. Great work.
the first thing that came to mind when i saw this was a book i remember reading a few years ago about black people living in the south in the early 20th century. although the title escapes me there is a chapter where a black man is falsely accused of molesting a women, a mob proceeds to burn down his house before dragging him out to a nearby tree and hanging him. it made me sad.
this is very close to what i pictured whilst reading, a lone tree burdened by an innocent body amongst a barren landscape, plumes of smoke arise from the distance brought fourth by a cherished home now swallowed in flame. a dark symbol of the anger and ignorance that surrounded that time.
really amazing drawing, one of the few that made me sit and ponder deep thoughts of humanity and emotion.
Wow.. just wow.
I can completely relate to this, I love nature.. so when I'm in a depressed state I imagin dying in some sort of nature related place.
The way you drew this is just...breath taking.
The dark is in the whole thing, but where the man is hanging (as well as a few other places, but this is more significient.) is light..which even though he is hanging and dead; shows maybe there was some sort of hope or light at the end of it all.
...I want to hug that man. Maybe he could relate to me. haha.
This reminds me of the ending of the movie, zombie diary. You have a great sens of detail and even just a little part of the picture the eyes focus on. This is a great piece of art were you chose were teh viewer wants to see. So i would say this is nothing less than amazing 10/10 easly
Poor man
He waited longer than he could ...Had he an exit ?
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