this specific way of crosshatching is very interesting..saw it in another on of your works too and thought that this was something you don't come accross every day.. do you feel like it is done or do you want to add more colour to it?
this specific way of crosshatching is very interesting..saw it in another on of your works too and thought that this was something you don't come accross every day.. do you feel like it is done or do you want to add more colour to it?
I think I saw this kind of crosshatching on someone else's work, although it was more to convey a specific texture, like rock or wood. I think it adds interet to the drawing and doing it is pretty relaxing actually :D
Well I'm not very good with colours and I'm afraid the piece will lose in sharpness if I do colour it in... I just added the dark brown in the background to get a little sense of the perspective but I don't think I will add more colours.
I love long necked monsters for some reason, seems like you know your stuff for ink art, I cant touch that stuff cause i mess up like every 5 seconds :P
Yeah, they usually look very viscious somehow :D
Well thank you! It wasn't always that way, i used to be scared and suck at inking, and I'm still trying to improve but i guess it's just practice and going in head on!
And your stuff is really impressive anyway :p
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